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RE: Life in Motion. Portraits of Vietnamese People Riding Motorbikes

in Photography Lovers β€’ 3 months ago (edited)

which now has more motorcycles than people

Yes and no πŸ˜„ South America is a superpower about football. Southeast Asia is a superpower as for motorbikes 😁

Screenshot 2024-11-05 at 00-50-04 Reddit - https __external-preview.redd.it_countries-with-the-highest-motorbike-usage-v0-JNLf6CW8NrDA8znnxkK2NqqNhrQ6hKZNoFuI8DZF_vk.jpg auto webp&s f8407efd3e56eadee525927755d74822a27e1da3.png

the source

But Vietnam is #1 for one plain reason: Thais are richer and many families have both a motorbike and a car; thus, much more cars in the traffic in Thailand than in Vietnam. In Vietnam, everything happens on motorbikes, the whole country is a swarm of motorbikes. πŸ˜„

Excellent shots and greetings!

Thank you! Have a nice day!