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RE: Sublime and Beautiful Sunday Beauty is all around us if we just look

You know the world would be a better place is more people could accept others have different opinions of things

That would be sublime and beatiful. But the reality is that people often do not accept others, if they are different from them.

I once did a post about rubbish tins in NYC and tried to pitch even trash can be seen as beautiful looked at in the right way and with the right perspective

I look at them considering that it is better to put rubbish into them than throwing rubbish randomly on the streets everywhere. But some people throw their trash on the streets. Others throw edible food into the trash cans. Homeless people can take the food out, and eat it.

So yes. This is all about perspective and viewpoint.

But do not worry I am not going to do a post about trash or rubbish bins, boats are the subject of this post.

Speaking of boats, my goal is to buy and live on a sailboat.

Have a nice day and have a nice weekend.
All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.


I hope one day you can achieve your dream and buy a sailboat you may well like my post coming up on Tuesday :)

Have a nice day and have a nice weekend.
All the best.