Dont you hate having to think what is the politically correct way to say things sometime, now I do not want to be sexist saying fishermen as I know there are many fisherwomen as well so perhaps from here on it I will say fisherpeople) working loading or unloading the boats
I usually do not think about "political correctness". I am not a native English person, but I think that saying that saying "fishermen is sexist" is a huge exaggeration. This has nothing to do with sexism. I have not heard anyone saying the fisherwomen word/phrase/term, but everyone knows that both men and women are fishing. I would not think that any woman would be offended by hearing someone addressing them as fishermen. Maybe this is just/only me, and the world is indeed becoming/became too sensitive/oversensitive.
I think your the way it should be some words have been around for generations and there shouldn’t be any problem with using them