in Dunk Social4 years ago

It is confirm that USA team will fight with JAPAN for final Tokyo Paralympic Men for Basketball.



Source info

Location : Ariake Arena
Date : 5 September / 12.30 am

After USA Basketball Men Team win the Olympic gold medal , now we rooting for USA Paralympic team.

Both team USA and Japan show and excellent record on team match which both of them is only lose 1 time for the whole tournament. Tomorrow is their last match to prove which team that deserve the gold medal for basketball team. Can USA take back their gold medal again after winning the RIO Paralympic games , or will Japan the host take the medal ?


let see how it goes

Congratulation team USA for excel in Olympic and paralympic

Would be an interesting and tough final between both sides tomorrow. Would be rooting on team USA to pick up the Gold.

Yayyyyy , well done team USA.

Yeah. Congratulations to them. Good to see them getting the job done.