created by @lokoadtt
Reglas del sorteo
¡Solo 💬 comenta esta publicación para unirte al Sorteo!
⬆️ Upvotes , 📢 Reblogs y 💸 Tips NO son obligatorios en absoluto, ¡pero se agradecen enormemente si se realizan!Comenta tu nombre de usuario de Rising Star y listo incluir @
Los votos a favor y los seguidores no son necesarios para participar, pero se agradecen.
Usaré el selector de comentarios aqui para determinar el ganador.
El ganador será anunciado dentro de 7 días a partir de ahora.
si desean participar en mas sorteos rifas y actividades, pueden ingresar al discord de mundovirtual
Sweepstakes Rules.
Just 💬 comment on this post to join the Giveaway!
⬆️ Upvotes , 📢 Reblogs and 💸 Tips are NOT mandatory at all, but greatly appreciated if you do!Comment your Rising Star username and you're done. (incluir @)
Upvotes and followers are not required to participate, but are appreciated.
I will use the comment selector here to determine the winner.
The winner will be announced within 7 days from now.
if you wish to participate in more raffles and activities, you can enter the mundovirtual discord.
Participantes Anteriores / Previous Participants
@johnripper @dubble @thaddeusprime @amaillo @luizeba @bigkidstuff @dracozauberer @rentaw03 @freed99 @amaari @camillecrls629 @pleo1542 @eijibr @supriya.gupta @phaeton @lokoadtt @bassman077 @mateoo.alamo @coquicoin @luckbound @ghostking85 @stewie.wieno @matthew1 @tengolotodo @edwardstobia @blesker @erking @pousinha @barreloflaughs @ricardoeloy @rentaw03 @allonyx.ngs @ztinger @myeong @rossiya @dilanarg27 @gqueen @jagger88 @neonkobra @osomar357 @talaa96 @jynx5515 @jynx5515 @pero82 @nasincera @dubble @kamikeiv220 @luckaneitor @uggya @phaeton @jonimarqu @nikoleondas @frax97
gracias por participar / Thanks for participating
Buenas, me contas para el sorteo?
Te mando un trozo de pizza para que me hagas ganar, jajajaja
PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
lespipirisnais tipped albiro2050 (x1)
amaari tipped albiro2050 (x1)
thaddeusprime tipped albiro2050 (x1)
nahueldare3627 tipped albiro2050 (x1)
freed99 tipped albiro2050 (x1)
dracozauberer tipped albiro2050 (x1) @srleorio tipped @albiro2050 (x1)
You can now send $PIZZA tips in Discord via!
count me in
Count me in 😊 @blitzzzz
count me in @nikoleondas
hive: lespipirisnais
@lespipirisnais, sorry! You need more $LUV to use this command.
The minimum requirement is 10.0 LUV in your liquid wallet.
More LUV is available from Hive-Engine or Tribaldex
Hiya albiro
Good luck to everyone and congratulations to the winner!
Have an awesome August people😁 Many thanks for your giveaway and count me in please @tengolotodo
Count me in please! @lorddiablo 🙏
Hello, mate! Please, count me in for the giveaway!!
IGN: @luizeba
Via Tenor
please count me in @uggya !LUV
(1/1) gave you LUV.
tools | wallet | discord | community | <>< NFT for Peace
Lets roll @myeong
count me in
!Gif dancing-8bits
Via Tenor
Hola me anoto.
Let's go!
!PIZZA @thaddeusprime
please count me in, thank you!
!gif coin rain @dubble
Via Tenor
Hello, Albiro
Count me in for the giveaway, please
Thank you and happy new month
Good luck, everyone!
Count me in.
!Gif thank you IGN: @vaynard86
Via Tenor
I'm in
!PIZZA @dracozauberer
!PIZZA 🍕@amaari
Thank You for the Giveaway,
Please Count me in :)
IGN : @queen-silvia
Me apunto! @bandada
We would really appreciate it if you would vote for our proposal to help Rising Star grow into the future. It won't cost you anything and just looks at your Hive Power to determine your vote. VOTE HERE
This post has been manually curated by Rising Star Game
The NFT based music career game built on HIVE
count me in @supriya.gupta
count me in @supriya.gupta