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RE: Journey Progress #19, long live the boosters!

First let me say great job on earning your level quickly and skills are much needed to get rid of the pesky EGO, of which I have too much myself.
But I must correct something in your article.

Risky Whiskey > Increases chance of encountering drunk fans after doing missions.<

Risky Whiskey in fact does not do this, but it stores your drunk fans like the Coffee Cup and Pizza Box stores those items for later use.

Later there is a mission you will find that produces NO EGO and pays Starbits and EXP but you can only do the mission 5 times a day or your fans will get board and reduce the number of Starbits you can earn from this mission in that day.

Just a stickler for the information being displayed correctly is all.


Hello my friend, i really want to thank you for the support in my post, i will correct the part I wrote wrong.

Your comment was very important and I really want to thank you for caring and helping! Thank you very much! 🙏

Your welcome and rock on the #STARBITS missions.