This week I reached level 92 (more 1 levels since my last report).One more week passed in my @risingstargame carreer.
This week I have being done the most possible number of missions to try to reach the level 100 and be able to do the next mission. I need to level up more 8 levels.
About my long-term goal, complete the Rising star NFT's card collection, I am trying to do it with baby steps.
This week I bought 5 pack cards and 1 single card to help me to complete the collection.
I have won 4 rare cards and 1 epic card but unfortunately i have not won any lengendary card.
Currently I am at 105th place at Players Ranking.
My Collection status is the following:
- People - it is missig 46 cards;
- Instuments - it is missing 39 cards;
- Vehicles - it si missing 12 cards;
- Boosters - it is missing 11 cards;
- Others - it is missing 4 cards;
- Crafted - all are missing;
- Records - all are missing;
I wish you all a good game with a lot of fun and I hope to see you in my next report.