⭐Back to Giveaways! #09⭐: 3000 starbits prize!

in Rising Star Game2 years ago (edited)


⭐Back to Giveaways! #09⭐: 3000 starbits prize!


🎁 Participá todos los días para ganar 3000 starbits

Si te gustaría ganar más visitá mis streams en Twitch:
Lunes, Miércoles y Viernes
22 hrs ARG - 21 hrs VZL - 01 UTC

¡¡¡Este Sorteo finaliza el 31 de Enero de 2023 a las 21hrs ARG!!!

🛎️ Requisitos Obligatorios para participar:

  1. Seguirme en Peak.
  2. Comentar: "Me gusta Rising Star" + tu IGN.
  3. BONUS: Comentá tu WAX wallet -> Si dejás voto positivo al post y salis sorteado te ganas además de los starbits un NFT del Ivoverso en WAX.

🔮Se utilizará https://hivetools.up.railway.app/picker/ para obtener al ganador.

⭐Código de referido: https://www.risingstargame.com?referrer=deveter

Mirá mi último video sobre Rising Star:


🎁 Enter every day to win 3000 starbits.
If you would like to win more visit my streams on Twitch:
Monday, Wednesday and Friday
22 hrs ARG - 21 hrs VZL - 01 UTC

This Giveaway ends on January 31, 2023 at 9:00 p.m. ARG!!!

🛎️ Mandatory requirements to participate:

  1. Follow me on Peak
  2. Comment: "Me gusta Rising Star" + your IGN
  3. BONUS: Leave your WAX wallet -> If you leave a positive vote for the post and you are drawn, you will win in addition to the starbits, an Ivoverse NFT in WAX.

    🔮 https://hivetools.up.railway.app/picker/ will be used to get the winner.
    ⭐Referral code: https://www.risingstargame.com?referrer=deveter

Rising_Star_L36 - Banner_00174.png


The winner: @blitzzzz




Me gusta Rising Star

count me in



Me gusta Rising StarCount me in 😊 @blitzzzz

Me gusta Rising Star

Count me in for the giveaway!
Thank you! 🙏

!PGM !LOL !LUV !gif cheers ign: @pero82

ThanksCount me in @diegoloco

Hello! count me in again please ! @dk1trade


Wax = ov.ay.wamMe gusta Rising Star + @ianballantine

Me gusta Rising Star @maurojd

Me gusta Rising Star

fzyr.wam @treefrognada

Me gusta Rising Star

My wax address is cumx4.wam
!PIZZA 🍕 !LOLZ Please Count me in! 🍀 @szmobacsi 🦌


I gifted $PIZZA slices here:
(6/15) @szmobacsi tipped @deveter (x1)

Learn more at https://hive.pizza!

I want to participate @supriya.gupta

Me gusta Rising Star
Count me in.

!Gif thank you IGN: @vaynard86

Me gusta Rising Star @rtonline

Thanks for the chance


me gusta Rising Star

Count me in again

Count me in @wazock


Me gusta Rising Star
count me in, thanks. @circlebubble