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Greetings to all, fellow RisingStar players. Every day I love this game more and more and through my videos and publications I like to share my progress, missions, lessons, envelope openings among other things that the game allows us to do.
In a previous video I invited you to participate in my Giveaway, in which there would be two winners. One would win 2000 Starbits and the other would win two common cards. Well, today I would like to share with you another video where I do a few missions, open another pack of cards, show the results of the Giveaway and launch Giveaway number 2.
I hope you like the video, it is in Spanish but for those who speak English, below I will leave a brief description in your language. However, if you are only interested in seeing the results of the Giveaway, starting at minute 4:15 the results are shown. Having said all that, enjoy the video.
Saludos a todos, compañeros de RisingStar. Cada día me encantan más este juego y a través de mis videos y publicaciones me gusta compartir mis avances, misiones, leccionjes, aperturas de sobres entre otras cosas que nos permite hacer el juego.
En un video anterior los invité a participar en mi Giveaway, en el cual habría dos ganadores. Uno se llevaría 2000 Starbits y otro se llevaría dos cartas comunes. Pues bien, hoy me gustaría compartir con ustedes otro video en donde hago unas cuántas misiones, abro otro pack de cartas, muestro los resultados del Giveaway y lanzo el Giveaway número 2.
Espero que el video les guste, está en español pero para los que hablan inglés, abajo dejaré una breve descripción en su idioma. Sin embargo, si estan interesados solo en ver los resultados del Giveaway, a partir del minuto 4:15 se muestran los resultados. Dicho todo esto, disfruten el video.
My status in the game
I must comment that I advanced quite a bit compared to last time. I was doing missions that bring little experience; however, thanks to the large amount of fans I have, those missions (such as Illegal Busking or Open Mic Night), allow me to get more than 200 starbits for little energy and time.
I am currently level 21 and by the time I started making the video and the missions, I had 11,168 starbits. It is a quantity that I can reach in a few days if I do missions every day.
Mi estatus en el juego
Debo comentar que avancé bastante con respecto a la última vez. Estuve haciendo misiones que aportan poca experiencia; sin embargo, gracias a la gran cantidad de fans que tengo, esas misiones (como Ilegal Busking u Open Mic Night), me permiten obtener más de 200 starbits por poca energía y tiempo.
Atualmente soy nivel 21 y para el momento en que comencé a hacer el video y las misiones, contaba con 11.168 starbits. Es una cantidad que en pocos días puedo llegar si hago misiones todos los días.

In terms of missions, I am still doing the Buskeria missions. However, I have been doing the Midweek Headline Slot mission to have access to the two most time consuming missions, such as Saturday Support and Saturday Headline, which consume 90% energy + 120 min and 100% energy and 180 minutes respectively.
In spite of everything, I do not stop doing missions like Open Mic Night or Mid Week Support Slot, which consume less time and energy. Besides, these small missions always come with nice gifts like clovers, coffee or pizza slices.
En cuanto a misiones, sigo haciendo las misiones de Buskería. Sin embargo, he estado haciendo la misión Midweek Headline Slot para tener acceso a las dos misiones que más tiempo consumen, como lo son Saturday Support y Saturday Headline, que consumen 90% de energía + 120 min y 100% de energía y 180 minutos respectivamente.
A pesar de todo, no dejo de hacer misiones como Open Mic Night o Mid Week Support Slot, que consumen menos tiempo y energía. Además, estas misiones pequeñas siempre llegan con buenos regalos como tréboles, café o rebanadas de pizza.

1 Card Pack
Since the last time we met I managed to collect enough starbits to buy a couple of packs of cards. The first one I opened when I knew there would be new cards and I got a few good ones, in fact, an epic and a rare in the same pack. For the giveaway I also bought another pack of cards, the two common ones will be for two winners.
1 Pack de cartas
Desde la última vez que nos vimos logré reunir suficientes starbits para comprar un par de packs de cartas. El primero lo abrí cuando supe que habrían nuevas cartas y me salieron unas cuántas buenas, de hecho, una épica y una rara en un mismo sobre. Para el giveaway también compré otro sobre de cartas, las dos comunes serán para dos ganadores.

As you can see in the picture above, in the envelope I found a very decent one. It brought me the following cards: Rl38, Gameboy Ali, i45 5 Strings Bass and 69 Claudio.
i45 5 Strings Bass and 69 Claudio will be for this week's Giveaway.
Como pueden observar en la imagen de arriba, en el sobre me encontré con uno muy decente. Me trajo las siguientes cartaS: Rl38, Gameboy Ali, i45 5 Strings Bass y 69 Claudio.
i45 5 Strings Bass y 69 Claudio serán para el Giveaway de esta semana.
In the last Giveaway quite a few users participated. Some were left out for simply not complying with the required rules.
En el Giveaway pasado participaron bastantes usuarios. Algunos quedaron fuera por simplementre no cumplir con las reglas exigidas.
(You can tell me below in the comments if you do not wish to be mentioned)
As I said at the beginning of the publication, in the video, from minute 4:15 you can see the drawing of the 2000 Starbits and the two cards.
Como dije al comienzo de la publicación, en el video, a partir del minuto 4:15 pueden ver el sorteo grabajo de los 2000 Starbits y las dos cartas.
The prizes have already been delivered, the cards will take some time to arrive but the 2000 Starbis are already in the winner's wallet.
In the image below you can see the prizes for this week's giveaway, there will be 3 winners. First winner 2000 Starbits, second winner i45 5 Strings Bass and third winner 69 Claudio.
All you have to do is say in the comments what you will do with the 2000 starbits or why you want the cards you want to win and that's it, you will be participating.
You can participate until Monday, February 14
Ya los premios fueron entregados, las cartas tardarán un poco en llegar pero los 2000 Starbis ya se encuentran en la wallet del ganador.
Por otra parte, el Giveaway de esta semana contará con 3 ganadores. 1 de 2000 Starbits, otro para la carta i45 5 Strings Bass y un tercero para la carta 69 Claudio.
En el video dejo las instrucciones para participar en el Giveaway así que atentos. Es el segundo así que atento a los resultados en el siguiente Giveaway.
Pueden participar hasta el Lunes 14 de febrero.
Well friends, this has been all for now. I hope you have enjoyed my publication.
I invite you to participate and leave your opinions below in the comments, as always I will be happy to read them. With nothing more to add, I will say goodbye then....
See you next time!
Bien amigos, esto ha sido todo por ahora. Espero que mi publicacion haya sido de su agrado.
Los invito a participar y a dejar sus opiniones abajo en los comentarios, como siempre estaré encantado de leerlos. Sin más que agregar, me despido entonces...
¡Hasta la próxima!

Traducido con DeepL
Community Celebration: HiveDiy
Gamora Sculpture
Unboxing: electric stove
Obra: En Tus Manos
Música de https://www.fiftysounds.com/es/
▶️ 3Speak
¡Que emoción! Con razón los fans subieron de un día para otro sin razón aparente! JAJAAJAJAJA. Vi el sorteo y por un segundo pensé que no iba a ganar pero sí, se frenó justo a tiempo 🙌 Muchas gracias, en serio.
¡Quiero participar de nuevo por las cartas, me interesan más que los Starbits actualmente, me ayudarán a progresar aún más! Más ahora que estoy haciendo lecciones de música con algunas guitarras que tengo, con 10 más de luck aumentaría el skill más rápido @rodqui95
Felicitaciones, gracias por participar de nuevo, esa carta te será de utilidad.
Disculpa, no dijiste por cual de las dos cartas deseas participar, dime para contarte entre los participantes
La guitarra, por favor
Cierto que habías dicho que los 10 de luck te servirían. Disculpa por hacerte decirlo de nuevo. Estás incluido. A ver cómo te va, atento al próximo.
Descuida, no tengo ningún problema 😁
Más atento, ¡imposible!
Los vendería por SWAP.HIVE, el cual probablemente usaría para comprar DEC, bien sea para holdearlo o para comprar cartas en splinterlands; luego con lo acumulado allí reinvertiré en Rising star cuando lo vea prudente @amaillo
Una buena manera de utilizar el premio. Gracias por participar, Saludos.
2000 starbits would go towards my next pack purchase!
Let's Go!
IGN thaddeusprime
Thanks for participante, good luck!
I would love to get the Starbits to buy another pack and finally get that S31 Juliet!
And the cards would help me to get more Starbits - so I can buy more packs
Thanks for doing the giveaway!
!gif money
Via Tenor
Hi! Thanks for Join. Good Luck!
Thank you! Would be great to win something!
now i will try to buy packs each 3 days and it will help it :) @lipe100dedos
Great! Thats starbits will be very usefull for you. Thanks for join.
Thanks for hosting this giveaway!
I'm grinding for 1 more cold pizza sloce so the starbits would help me. Besides that I still need more fans to do my next mission. I already have the xp, but need more fans..
Thanks for participate. Remenber read yo rules to qualify.
Oops, I missed them, edited my post.
Thanks for reminding me! <3
I will save up the starbits to get the millionaire status! @myeong
Hi! A grear target. Thanks for participate
I'm accumulating STARBITS to buy 12 Packs for 100k !
IGN @luizeba
!Gif money
Via Tenor
Doing the same! I'm at 30k now 😎
Oh wow pretty cool, how did you manage to get 93 cards? lol I'm playing since months and I've got only like 14 ahaha only bought 3 packs, now I'm collecting my starbits to get to 100k and get 12 packs, and I'm level 28 lol, probably I didn't read enough and still don't know how the game works ahaha
Count me in the giveaway if possible!
Cool stats @gaboamc2393, congrats and best of luck in your musical adventure!
Greetings my friend!
My friend, good to see you here. The truth is that I have been investing weekly in the game, buying cards whenever I can. Sure I will include you but you must tell me what you want, if the 2K starbits or one of the two cards. There in the instructions it says what you have to do. See you in the next one!
Yes you're right I didn't tell you what I want 😅
I'd prefer the 2000 Starbits so I will add them to my 30k waiting to get to 100k and buy 12 packs!
Thanks for being so kind to point out my mistake 🙏
EDIT: Also I see now why you have so many cards, I thought I was doing something wrong ahahha
Thank for explaining :)
Hello, Gabo here again. Yes, that's a good idea. I have bought cards but sometimes I don't get the good ones. There are times when I get some really bad cards that are not worth the pack, but there are other times when I get an epic and a rare one hehehe it's great to open them.
The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the person sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.
count me
Hi! You need read they rules to qualify.
Wow que sorpresa 😊😊 muchas gracias por el premio 😸😸
Hola Ele felicitaciones. Participaras en este? En el vídeo comento lo que tienes que hacer.
Sí claro, quiero participar, con las dos cartas me gustaria seguir creciendo para subir de nivel e ir reuniendo los starbits para tener mi carta de millonario jeje
Debes elegir una estimada, por cual participará?
por las cartas jeje
Hola Ele si, pero por cual de las dos cartas? Debes elegir una.
Count me in, please :)
Hi. Please read they rules to participate
oops! forgot to write down the answer :)
I am saving starbits to buy card packs
Id love that 2k starbits for my pizza slice savings @zero-exp
How neccesary is thats pizza slice. Thanks for join.
count me in
Hi. Please read they rules.
please add me to the giveaway @new.things
Hi, please read they rules to qualify
Sorry gaboamc2393 I miss read your post. I would use the starbits to help pay for a 100k 12pack deal as I think it is great value.
count me in @phaeton The starbits would help me buy some cards to increase my fans
Hope you can increase thats fans. Cheers.
Just started the game, and 2000 Starbits sounds amazing! Will save them to get my first card :)
Oh You first pack Card, great. Good luck!
2000 starbits will go towards my next pack purchase.
count me in @supriya.gupta
Great, thanks for join
This post has been manually curated by Rising Star Game
The NFT based music career game built on HIVE
Oh thanks for the support <3
PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
(17/10) @risingstargame tipped @gaboamc2393 (x1)
You can now send $PIZZA tips in Discord via tip.cc!
Please add me for the next giveaway.
I would like to win the cards for it will further boost my stats, especially the guitar as I do Guitar Music lessons regularly.
That's a 5 strings bass but it will also serve that purpose.
I would love to get more pizza box to never run out of energy...
Hi, thanks for join
Seguramente optaría por reinvertir en mi colección de RS, poco a poco he logrado subir un poco los fans y desbloquear la segunda zona. Gracias por estos Giveaway!
Bien, anotado por los 2000 starbits, gracias por participar
I would like the starbits cause I am saving (just got 40 lvl) to manage and get the millionaire card someday!
And cards are always welcome as they can keep you going!
A great target. Good luck!
2000 will go towards cards to get me more fans @phaeton
Noted, thanks for join
Los starbits serían pera invertirlos en un Pack a ver si hay suerte y me ayuda a subir los Fans.
Gracias por el sorteo
Si te sale una carta rara de un vehículo o una persona seguro subirá. También se pueden encontrar cartas por buen precio que suben fans en el mercado del juego.
I'd use the starbits to save towards getting my first 12 pack which will cost 100k Starbits. @blitzzzz
Great! Noted, thanks for join.
Count me in! @dyson-the-booper
Cool, ya no lo recordaba xD
Saludos Jesús, gracias por pasar a leer. Vas a participar? En el vídeo están las indicaciones. Saludos.
Lei el post pero no tengo internet para ver el video :D Una maravilla no?