
And how many a day did you do till you reached 2500? Seams like you got a lot of mission ego doing it.

My ego is 45% now... I was playing that game for 1 year+. I was playing a lot of Illegal busking gigs in the beginning, but now I play around 1-5 gigs per day

In the beginning, I was playing newest missions the most, I started playing 5 Illegal Busking a day when started this giveaway.

What is your ego lvl now?
I am trying to play as many Illegal buskings as possible but at the same time I am trying to avoid playing it when it brings 7 ego points per play

My ego is at 1% I play multiple music lessons per day to counter my ego gains. I have 282789 fans so my starting ego for Illegal Busking is 60. Doing all 5 missions nets me +462 total mission ego.

Wow! My current goal is to make 1 million starbits, so I almost don't play music lessons. But after that I plan to reduce my ego to 0% (not sure if it is possible though)

It is, as long as you have at least 1 skill point more than fans(card + drunk) + mission ego total, your ego will be 0%.