Greetings to all dear friends of Rising Star, I am very happy to be here to share with you a new post. Today I want to tell you some interesting tidbits about one of my favorite instruments, the violin. Although many of us recognize it for its lovely sound and its fundamental role in classical music, there are many interesting aspects you may not know about its history and construction. But that's not all in the second half of the post, I will introduce you to some fan art related to our beloved game, Rising Star. I hope you like it, so let's get started.
Source: Canva
The violin, as we know it today, was born in Italy in the 16th century thanks to the skill and creativity of Andrea Amati. Along with the viola and the cello, Amati designed this instrument around 1555. However, the roots of the violin can be traced much further back in time to the ancient Assyrian and Egyptian civilizations. These early cultures influenced many others, including the Greeks and Romans, leading to a gradual evolution of stringed instruments. The Middle Ages also played a crucial role, with Arabic, Spanish and Latin influences contributing to the characteristics of the violin we know today.
- One of the most essential and, perhaps, less known parts of the violin is its “core”. It is a small piece of wood located inside the body of the violin and is essential for the transmission of the vibrations of the strings, which produces the characteristic sound of the instrument. Without the soul, the violin would not only stop sounding, but its structure could collapse. It is amazing to think how such a tiny piece is vital to the integrity and sound of the violin.
Another fascinating aspect of the violin is its construction. Unlike many other instruments, violins contain no pins or metal in their structure. Instead, all of its parts are bonded together with a special substance called “hot glue,” which is obtained from fish scales, bones and some minerals. This glue not only holds the instrument together, but also provides a “glass effect” that helps protect the violin in case of knocks. did you know?
The bow, that “little stick” used to play the violin, also has its own curiosities. It is composed of various elements, but the most curious are the bristles made from the tail hairs of male horses, which are considered the best when they come from Mongolia. These hairs are coated with resin to increase their adherence and allow them to vibrate when rubbing against the strings of the violin.
In the history of the violin, one name stands out above all others: Stradivari. The violins created by this master luthier are extremely appreciated for their exceptional quality. Among all his instruments, one stands out for its excellent state of preservation: The Messiah, a Stradivarius from 1716. This violin has been used very little, which has allowed it to be kept in perfect condition, and is currently in the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford, England.
Finally, a curious detail about the violin pegs, these pieces are slightly conical and are inserted into the wood to adjust the tuning of the strings. In humid climates, the wood tends to swell, holding the pegs firmly in place. However, in dry climates, the wood may contract, making the pegs less snug. Unlike the guitar, violin pegs do not have a gear system, making them a bit more sensitive to changes in humidity.
Rising Star Fan Art
As promised friends, I now present to you My #51 post about some of the fan art I have made with the help of DALL-E, inspired by our beloved game, Rising Star. In this particular post I have again used the theme of the cards along with several elements from the game. For example I have added the star as it could not be otherwise, some instruments and singers to give more personality to the images. Some of the images also have futuristic and retro touches. I have also added some scenarios and concerts.
I hope you like them. See you in a new opportunity.
The images are free to use and you can use them and take them out of this publication without any problem. I reiterate that they were made by me with the help of Dall-E.
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