Rising Star Utils - July Report: Montly Statitics, more changes and what is coming

in Rising Star Game7 months ago


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Good evening to all Rising Star players!

It's been a long time since you posted website content. Last month I took some time off and hadn't been working on any significant changes. Anyway, throughout the post, I'll mention some small features/changes I've been implementing, as well as stats and what's coming.


The month of July has been the month in which the page received the most traffic, below I will leave a graph provided by the hosting service about the visits.


It's outrageous, if we consider that in the first month of opening, we had only received about 3000 visits. The month of July added more than 5,000 visits and 1,070 unique visitors, that is, different users (or IP's). This is taking into account that Rising Star currently maintains an average of 1,400 active users.
The number of visits to the page has led me to think about the idea of ​​adding ads to make extra income to pay for hosting. I took the time to think about it and decided to prioritize the experience of all platform users for the time being.


Our page takes 1% of each transaction made on the site, like other services like NFTMart. So far, it has been enough to cover the hosting expenses, this is what I have collected in just over a month of commissions, it must be taken into account that the value of HIVE fell considerably these days.


Latest changes made

  • I implemented a footer to the page.

I added a footer that contains information about us, terms of use and more.

  • Music Promoter Chart

A table below the STARPRO chart, indicating how much each user earns thanks to Music Promoter and how much it costs to get a STARPRO from this method.

  • Maintenance 3:00 UTC.

Every day, after 3:00 UTC, the page performs maintenance for approximately one and a half hours, in order to improve the user experience and avoid errors.

  • Monthly Cards are added to the database automatically.

Thanks to some data provided by Jux, I have managed to automate the loading of each month's new Cards into our system. This measure is going to save me a lot of time each month.

  • Correction of some aesthetic details.

What's coming

  • Statistics for each user.

I am working on adding a section, where through a search engine we can see basic and not so basic information about each user. Starting with fans, skill, luck, im, ego, level, ego, until it is possible to return the number of rare, epic, legendary and how many cards each user of each type of instrument has. The last function may require a node to perform it, which is very expensive. If necessary, I will most likely not add this new function or limit it only to users with a certain number of cards.

  • Information about each card.

Views where you can see the information about each card in the game and a graph that shows how the price of that unique card changed over time. Like the previous function, it could also be limited by not having its own node. Going through the history of each card is complicated, the contract does not provide the name of the card when searching for information, but rather the ID. Which would lead to having a database with each ID of each card in the game, which is unsustainable considering that there are more than 15 million cards in circulation.

  • Make the website fully responsive.

Implement login for mobile devices and allow them access to the UNICAS function.

Website Design

I wanted to reserve this space for frequent users of the page to give their opinion. I appreciate if you can answer the questions in the comments.
- What do you think of the website design?
- If you agree with the current design of the site, would you make any small improvements?
- What can we improve to provide a better user experience?

Thank you all for supporting our site! See you next time in the August report!

Link to Rising Star Utils web



What an amazing job you are doing!