
Born in the suburbs of Argentina, David was a great guy, with millionaire parents whose companies were related to the agricultural sector, we could say that David had a life figured out, right?
Since he was a child he did sports activities such as horse riding or polo, activities that in Argentina denoted his great wealth. He went to a private institute where he rubbed shoulders with prosperous people.
As the years went by David did not like the environment of his friends or family, he began to notice the perverseness of each person and from which he wanted to stay away.
Once he finished high school David had to choose a university, his parents wanted to send him to the United States, that would be very good for him to change his surroundings, he thought.
After a year at New York University, he stopped liking finance and the business world; He also began to feel love for music, he frequented bars late at night where he met all kinds of people... you know, in a vast city you meet people from all over the world.
It was 2019 when everything changed, David had completely changed and was looking for his happiness, now his name was Dave, or that's how most people knew him, he had fought with his parents since he had left university to dedicate himself to what he loved, music.
Today we can find traces of him in the United States, with a small band made up of friends they travel everywhere in search of reaching the highest that can exist.
Currently my account consists of:
Level: | 388 |
Fans | 262735 |
Luck | 105568 |
Skill | 1204304 |
IM | 4749 |

Today I decided to open packs (I clarify that it was after taking the status screenshots) so I'm going to show you what I got:
Personally I didn't like opening packs, there were only a few people without epics, I will surely open more in the future as I improve my account.
If you are interested in playing RisingStar, here is my referral link
You can also join the official discord server to chat with other players and resolve all your doubts through the following link

Nacidos en los suburbios del conurbano de Argentina, David era un tipazo, con padres millonarios cuyas empresas se relacionaban al tema agricola podriamos decir que David tenia la vida resuelta, no es asi?
Desde pequeño realizaba actividades deportivas como Equitacion o Polo, actividades que en Argentina denotaba su gran riqueza. Fue a un Instituto privado donde se codeaba con gente prospera.
Al pasar los años a David no le gustaba el ambiente de sus amigos ni familiares,comenzaba a notar lo perverso de cada persona y del cual el queria estar alejado.
Una vez finalizado el instituto David debia elegir una universidad, sus padres querian mandarlo a Estados Unidos, eso le vendria muy bien para cambiar de aires, penso.
Tras un año en la Universidad de New York, dejo de gustarle las finanzas y el mundo empresarial; asi mismo empezo a sentir amor por la musica, frecuentaba bares a altas horas de la noche donde conocia a todo tipo de persona.. ya sabes, en una basta ciudad conoces gente de todo el mundo.
Era el 2019 cuando todo cambio, David habia cambiado completamente y buscaba su felicidad, ahora se llamaba Dave, o asi lo conocia la mayoria, se habia peleado de sus padres ya que habia dejado la universidad para dedicarse a lo que amaba, la musica.
Hoy en dia podemos encontrar rastros de el Por los Estados Unidos, con una pequeña banda conformada por amigos viajan por todos lados en busca de llegar a lo mas alto que pueda existir.
Actualmente mi cuenta consta de:
Nivel: | 388 |
Fans | 262735 |
Luck | 105568 |
Skill | 1204304 |
IM | 4749 |

Hoy decidi hacer una apertura de packs (aclaro que fue despues de tomar las capturas de status) por lo que voy a mostrarles que me salio:
Personalmente no me gusto la apertura de packs, fueron pocas personas sin epicas, seguramente vaya a abrir mas a futuro mientras mejoro mi cuenta.
Si te interesa jugar a RisingStar te dejo mi link de referido
También puedes unirte al servidor oficial de discord para chatear con otros jugadores y resolver todas tus dudas a través del siguiente enlace