made with canva.
This is the story of Tony.
Little Tony was born in a city in China, but as times were tough his family decided to emigrate to the California area in the United States looking for a better quality of life and better opportunities.
Tony was a bit of a shy boy, he always tried hard at everything, playing soccer, making friends, even trying to make a surprise cake for his mother (which turned out horrendous). There was one thing in particular that he was moderately good at and that was playing the guitar. His father had noticed him through a coworker of his, who saw him playing at a barbecue and the little boy was interested, they immediately bought him a guitar.
During his high school years, after having spent years in a mix that was too strange for him since he was like a new person in the whole environment, he managed to make a couple of faithful friends and they formed a small band that participated in school events.
Young Tony had a tremendous bond with his red Sunset V guitar, which he had gotten after washing cars for his father's coworkers every afternoon after finishing his studies. Although it wasn't much, for him it was a giant step.
In addition to this guitar, young Tony had saved up to buy a small car. He didn't need much, but he needed to get around if he wanted to follow his dream of being recognized playing the guitar. So he got a small beetle in a second-hand car store.
Almost at the end of high school, Tony participated with his classmates who had formed the band in one last musical event, which was like a launch to stardom for them since people from all over the city were going to be at that event.
Once finished and with some small changes in the grouping of his band, Tony was left with only 1 drummer and his singer partner. Little by little the band began to dissolve until, like everything in life, it has to end.
Today, Tony has a small Chinese restaurant, which he created, but he only manages while part of his family takes care of the kitchen. Although young Tony loves to play guitar for people, from time to time he does weekends of shows and events, attracting young people to show their talent and spend some good nights among laughs and beers.
Currently my account consists of:
Level: | 389 |
Fans | 281862 |
Luck | 109650 |
Skill | 1265311 |
IM | 4957 |
I'm going to buy a UNIQUE card (that is, I don't have it in my collection) to improve little by little and it's the following:
If you are interested in playing RisingStar, here is my referral link
You can also join the official discord server to chat with other players and resolve all your doubts through the following link
Esta es la historia de Tony.
El pequeño Tony nacio en una ciudad en China, pero como se vivian epocas dificiles su familia decidio emigrar a la zona de California en Estados unidos buscando una mejor calidad y mejores oportunidades para vivir.
Tony era un chico un poco timido, siempre se esforzaba para todo, para jugar al soccer, para hacer amigos, hasta para intentar hacer un pastel sorpresa para su madre (el cual salio horrendo). Habia algo en particular que medianamente hacia bien y era tocar la guitarra. Su padre lo habia notado mediante un compañero de trabajo de el, que en una barbacoa lo vio tocando y el pequeño se intereso, inmediatamente le compraron una guitarra.
En Su epoca de secundaria, tras haber pasado años en una mezcla demasiado rara para el ya que, el era como una persona nueva en todo el ambito, logro hacerse de un par de amigos fieles y formaron una pequeña banda que participaba en los eventos escolares.
El joven Tony tenia un enlace tremendo con su guitarra Sunset V de color rojo bien fuerte, la habia conseguido tras lavar coches para los compañeros de trabajo de su padre todas las tardes luego de terminar con sus estudios. Si bien no era mucho, para el era un paso gigante.
Ademas de esta guitarra, el joven Tony habia ahorrado para comprarse un pequeño auto, no necesitaba mucho, pero necesitaba transportarse deu nlado a otro si queria seguir su sueño de ser reconocido tocando la guitarra. Asi consiguio un pequeño escarabajo en una tienda de autos de segunda mano.
Casi por finalizar la secundaria, Tony participaba junto a sus compañeros que habian formado la banda en un ultimo evento musical, el cual fue como un lanzamiento al estrellato para ellos ya que en ese evento iba a estar gente de toda la ciudad.
Una vez finalizada y con unos pequeños cambios en la agrupacion de su banda, Tony quedo unicamente con 1 compañero baterista y su compañera cantante. De a poco la banda se fue diluyendo hasta que, como todo en la vida, tiene que terminar.
Hoy en dia, Tony tiene un pequeño restaurante de comida china, que si bien el lo habia creado, solo lo administra mientras parte de su familia se encarga de la cocina. Aunque a el joven Tony le encanta tocar la guitarra para las personas de vez en cuando hacen unos fines de semana de shows y eventos, atrayendo a jovenes para que muestren su talento y pasar unas buenas noches entre risas y cervezas.
Actualmente mi cuenta consta de:
Nivel: | 389 |
Fans | 281862 |
Luck | 109650 |
Skill | 1265311 |
IM | 4957 |
voy a comprar 1 carta UNICA (Es decir que no la tengo en mi coleccion) para ir mejorando de a poco y es la siguiente:
Si te interesa jugar a RisingStar te dejo mi link de referido
También puedes unirte al servidor oficial de discord para chatear con otros jugadores y resolver todas tus dudas a través del siguiente enlace