Welcome to the rising star community!
Please do not forget to upvote and comment if this helps!
What to focus on:
Focus on the grinding of the lower levels.
There are achievements on how many times you complete a level. You cannot move on from the beginning level without completing it 10 times first.Do not forget to click the Start Mission button; Set a timer on your phone
More fans at a lower level isn't always better.
As you level up your fan base, your fans start to give you "ego" if your ego is even at 1% you get a major decrease in the Starbit reward.Booster Cards such as Pizzas & Pizza boxes.
Pizza gives you 100% energy once per 24 hours. Booster cards stay in your inventory even if you use it, with a timer to tell you how long you must wait. Pizza boxes give you a way to hold on to a pizza you find from a mission, so you can use it at a later time.
I hit level 15-20 what should I do now?
Music lessons!
Music lessons allow you to level up per the xp you get for completion as well as decrease-ing that ego debuff from the level of fans.Music Lessons!
Really! You need to get at least DOUBLE the amount of ego to make sure your drunk fans don't raise the ego.Second Island?
If you have the guitar card you can focus on doing these missions.Save Starbits for card packs :)
You can buy card packs with the Starbits you make to help you level up!
Twitch Streamers that do BATTLE OF BANDS & Rewards!
Battle of the bands is a super fun way to win rewards from whitelisted Twitch streamers!
Battle of the bands uses random cards from the game and is scored based on points.
If you are level 10 or below you have a chance at being revived if knocked out early!
Usually, prizes are cards and star bits.
Be sure you are subbed to these streamers!
- YourDestinyIs - twitch.tv/yourdestinyis
- DarthwolfGaming - twitch.tv/darthwolfgaming
- SharmanHD - twitch.tv/sharmanhd
- Mitriiman - twitch.tv/mitriiman
- SoSneakry - twitch.tv/sosneakry
- Wherechaoat - twitch.tv/wherechaoat
- Drabs - twitch.tv/drabs
- Zapf - twitch.tv/zapfbrannigantv
- Cmmndrgarlic - twitch.tv/cmmndrgarlic
Great beginners guide. Thank you very much!!!!
nice guide!