{<MUSIC NEWS>} and Rising Star: Card Recommendations, Prices, statistics. 19/11/2024

in Rising Star Game3 months ago

Good morning to all friends, I hope you all are super well on this nice Tuesday. It's a nice day to come back to you and bring you a new post. In this case today I bring you a new update of my already known card recommendation section. It has been several days since I could not bring them to you, mainly due to time problems as I told you in my yesterday's post. The good thing is that today I bring them to you. By the way, besides that, today I also bring you again some music news, which I know that many of you like, especially because besides talking about the news itself I also leave you my opinions about it and by the way this section is useful for you to know a new song, because I do it in the form of a recommendation. With that said we begin.


Image created by me in canva

Well friends today I want to talk to you about a song that probably many of you know, especially if you speak Spanish. I start by saying this because the song is in Spanish, so it's redundant😅. But the rest of you who like most of you speak English don't worry if you don't know it, because that's what this post is for, so you can get to know it. I am talking about the song “Almohada”. This song is an original by the well known singer José José. Yes, it is spelled like that, 2 times the Jose, 😂, for some it may be funny but that is his stage name.

The thing is that the song today is 46 years and 6 months since its release in 1978. So I thought it would be a good time to dedicate a post to it. Since then many have passed and many singers have done their versions and remixes of the song. In this post I want to talk about one of them, which by the way is my favorite. I'll tell you later which one it is.

For those who don't know first I'll give you a little context, having “Almohada” was originally released by José as I said before. But it was not released independently. I say that because it was released as part of an album. If I remember correctly that album was called Lo Pasado, Pasado. I wasn't even born yet at that time 😅. In fact it was a long time before I came into the world yet. Actually I know this song thanks to my father, like many others that I have already told you about in my blog. He is from that time and at home we grew up listening to these songs that he liked.

Personally, I have always liked the song. Especially its message, which I feel is very strong and can be applied in every era. Maybe that's why I think the song keeps being listened to and has not been forgotten like many other songs by other singers, which we probably never listen to. But hey, I'm more than sure that many of you are asking the same question now that you are reading this, what is “Almohada” about? 😅. I bet I got it right.

The song is basically a confession to a pillow. But of course it is not as simple as it seems, what sense would that make. We can make a general interpretation, although of course, anyone can see it differently, that's the beauty of it. In reality it tells us about the loneliness that one feels when a love is gone. Not so much about losing someone, but more about the lack of their presence, or that emptiness that becomes evident when the loved one is no longer there. So the pillow, so to speak, becomes the only witness to the pain one feels. You see, as I was saying, it is a very beautiful message and one that many of you may like when you hear the song for the first time.

Now, as I said in the first paragraphs of the post, there are several versions of this song. Each one is a remix or a faithful interpretation of the original. But there is one that I like more than all of them, even more than the original. I really like the way it is sung and how it slightly changes the approach. I am referring to Marc Anthony's version. This version of the song was released in 2010, many years after the original. After listening to that one I liked it much more than the first one. Every time I feel like listening to it I prefer to listen to this one. In fact that's the one I'm going to leave in this post for you to listen to. Although I make an emphasis, the original is also very nice, you will decide which one you like more.

I think the message of the song is clear and goes beyond the lyrics or the meaning. It basically reminds us of something important, the importance of living emotions as they come. You don't have to hide the pain or pretend it doesn't exist. Sometimes, the only way to overcome it is to face it, don't you think? Well, let me know what you think in the comments. Next I will leave the video for you to watch and then I will leave you my recommendation of cards for today.

Rising Star: Card Recommendations, Prices, statistics. 19/11/2024

Today I will present to you From cards that boost your fans to those that improve your Luck and Skill. I will also cover all the stats needed for each music lesson, such as: singing, guitar, Drums, Piano, Orchestra and Production.

It is important to remember that while this publication will offer you a useful guide, you should not take it as an absolute guide. The dynamics of the game can change quickly, and it is always advisable to do your own research and analysis before making important decisions.

Without further ado, I hope you enjoy this publication and that you find the recommendations useful to improve your experience in Rising Star.


It's always exciting to add new fans in Rising Star to elevate your music career to new heights. Whether you are a newcomer or a veteran in the game, finding fans is a crucial part of our success in the game. Well here are the most recommended cards to increase your fan base, updated.

First of all we have 121 Mylah. At this moment this card is one of the most profitable cards to increase fans quickly, because its price is 69.10 starbits/ per fan. In total the card costs: 691 starbits. Among the features it offers are: 10 Fans and 5 Skill.

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Well now it's time for the luck card recommendations. As I'm sure you know luck is the one that allows you to get more drunk fans and get extra profits at certain times. Well here are the most recommended cards of the day.

The most recommended card to increase luck at this moment is: R562 Ivory Flute. This card has a price in the game market of 29 starbits per luck. The card costs in total 1450 starbits. Which certainly makes it the best choice. This card offers you 50 luck.

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Now it's time to see the best cards that give us skill. The skill allows us to fight the ego generated by doing missions in the game or buying fans in the market, as well as the drunks. Well, let's see the cards:

At this time the most recommended card to increase the skill at the best price is: R533 Lil Sunshine Rapper, as it has a price of 50.05 starbits per skill. The card costs a total of 9010 starbits. Among its features it offers: 180 skill, 45 fans, 4 luck and 3 IM.

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Music Lessons

As we all know with the music lessons we gain skill and then with that skill we fight the ego. Well for that we need instruments for each lesson, as is the case of singing, guitars, drums and many more. In this section I am going to show you the best card based on its price for each specific skill.

Singing Instruments:

For singing lessons the most recommended is: R561 D90 Custom. This card costs the equivalent of 36 starbits per luck. The total cost of the card is: 1800 starbits. Among its features it offers 50 luck per card.

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Guitar lessons.

In the case of guitar lessons, the best card is: R553 Bat Bass. This card costs the equivalent of 34.4 starbits per luck. The total cost of the card is: 1720 Starbits. Gives you: 50 Luck

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Drum Lessons:

For drum lessons the best card is: R376 Pink LVB Kit. This card costs the equivalent of 100 starbits per luck. The card costs in total: 5k starbits and gives you 50 luck.

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Production Lessons:

The best card for production lessons is: R558 TP100 Amp. This card currently costs: 35.3 starbits per luck. The total cost of the card is 1765 starbits. And it offers you: 50 Luck.

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Keyboard Lessons:

For Keyboard Lessons the best card is: R559 JD601 Custom. This card costs 30 starbits per luck. The card costs in total: 1500 starbits. It gives you: 50 Luck.

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Orchestra Lessons

The best card for orchestra lessons is: R562 Ivory Flute. It costs at the moment the equivalent of: 29 starbits per luck. The card costs in total 1450 starbits. And it offers you: 50 Luck.

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Well friends this is the publication of today 19/11/2024, I hope you find it useful. As always I remind you that I am open to suggestions for future publications, and thus improve the statistics. See you in a new publication. Have a nice day.

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