Rising Star - BETA Release Date & Important Information


As announced during Radio Evolved on Sunday, Rising Star will move from the Alpha development phase to Beta Testing on 1st November.

During the next month we will be analysing and adjusting settings within the game so that we are in a position to hopefully not require any more changes to the core game mechanics once we move to Beta. Obviously that is the "best case" scenario but there may be unforeseen issues. That's what "beta testing" is for.

Some Immediate Changes

Our goal is first and foremost for Rising Star to be a fun and sustainable game that will be around in years to come for people to enjoy.
The great thing about crypto gaming is that you can also make money while playing games BUT we are not an investment scheme so you shouldn't expect some astronomical ROI (Return On Investment) by playing.

We Got It Wrong

The game grew faster than we ever could have imagined and one thing that happened as a result of this was that the drop rate for legendary cards was way too high. This has encouraged many players to just run 5 minute missions all day long and flood the market with STARBITS.
Obviously this is not sustainable and something needs to be done about it.

So we are introducing some changes with immediate effect and as always we are happy to discuss these in the Discord and tweak as necessary.

Card Drop Rate Change

We have reduced the drop rate for legendary and epic cards and are monitoring this in real time. The rates will be adjusted until we hit a desired level.

Mission Ego

When you reach 1000 fans you will gain ego for every mission. The amount of ego is related to your total fans but is the same for every mission regardless of length.
This introduces another level of strategy to the game and is in fitting with the way that too many fans inflate your ego. As always you can do music lessons to reduce your ego, buy cards with more skill than luck or put cards with more fans than skill on the market to create a balance.

We appreciate that this may be controversial to some but without this the game will not last. There are already accounts making over 100,000 STARBITS a day just doing Illegal Busking all day long.

Let Us Know Your Thoughts

We know that this will probably initiate some heated conversation but let's have a civil and productive debate in Discord as we have always done.

Closing Thoughts

Finally we would like to thank everyone who has been helping us test through this alpha phase and all the fantastic suggestions you have made, many of which have been implemented in the game. Let's spend these last few weeks making sure we have a robust and enjoyable game that can stand the test of time!



Addressing issues like this helps us all but since the issue comes from doing loads of small missions maybe you could not gain ego from you first 5 missions in the day or something? So those doing longer missions are less effected. Or only gain ego if you do the mission more than once per day, so people mix up their missions? Just my ideas, feel free to take no notice

Thank you for the suggestion. Because you gain the same ego regardless of mission length I think this is already achieved.


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Looking forward to Rising star becoming really famous

We'll do our best! :-)


Hey @sayee, here is a little bit of BEER from @risingstargame for you. Enjoy it!

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The EGO from missions is an interesting change. Its small enough that it shouldn't impact most players.

That being said, I'm not sure its working correctly.

I have gained a decent amount of ego from missions today, more than the 5 shown in the image above. The ego bar says I have only gained 2 from missions though.


I expect the Halloween missions haven't been giving me any...

Ah yes. Need to remove the ego information from the diary when doing special missions!


Thank you. I did see the noticed at site.

Hey @veryanprime, here is a little bit of BEER from @atomcollector for you. Enjoy it!

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Awesome news! you guys should get listed on https://hivedapps.com and https://dappradar.com for more exposure.

We are on Dappradar but they don't get the correct user count as they don't check Hive Engine data.

Submitted to Hive Dapps but didn't hear back.


Hey @d-zero, here is a little bit of BEER from @atomcollector for you. Enjoy it!

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Right on, Looking forward to November! I enjoy The Rising Star Game alot. Good Stuff

Thank you very much!


Hey @sevenoh-fiveoh, here is a little bit of BEER from @atomcollector for you. Enjoy it!

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i applaud the new changes and look forward to seeing the game grow

Thank you for your support!


Hey @mrtrek, here is a little bit of BEER from @atomcollector for you. Enjoy it!

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Hello all! this article makes me think about my first impression see => https://peakd.com/risingstar/@holystic/newbie-analysis-in-rising-star

Ok it's rigth we need increase difficult on drop but we need another way to burn STARBITS. because spend STARBITS in packs which increase STARBITS production in long-term is an exponential amount of STARBITS. But it's alpha it's ok^^

And i'm agree it's not an "investment" it's a real game and rule can be change for better gaming experience but for me the true added value for mix gaming and blockchain is to give a chance to greater player to earn and to see game like an invest.

So i'm agree and disagree :p

Thank you for your thoughts.


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I really love that game! And I hope it will be alive for many-many years! I like all the new changes. But I find that now it is super easy to make some money in the game, because it is super easy to earn Starbits and then exchange it to Hive, cuz the exchange rate is pretty attractive. And that point undervalues the game. It is my opinion.

thank you. this change is the first step to change it to be more fair for everyone.


Hey @irisworld, here is a little bit of BEER from @risingstargame for you. Enjoy it!

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It is good to know that they are not an investment plan, then investors will be able to withdraw their money quietly as they should not expect any kind of good ROI.



cheers back at ya!


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Much like the changes made for @splinterlands recently, I think these changes will be for the better.

Thank you!


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Long live Rising Star!

Thank you for your positivity!


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"Cards will still drop at the rate commensurate with their stats. If we left it as it was we could have had more people buying packs for sure but then a dead game in six months."

So your luck score would dictate or modify the drop rates?

Not just luck but overall stats.


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Looking forward.!! People will always find a ways.Both to enjoy but also to manipulate.For my part I enjoy. :)
I think that in second level more gradual approach would work better just like it is case with level 1.
Like this you must invest in fans in order to progress and it is easy to get stuck but also complacent with already reached level. (Just like in real life not everyone goes mainstream.. haha )..
Best of luck, if you need anything please let me know..

thank you my friend!


Hey @ugochill, here is a little bit of BEER from @risingstargame for you. Enjoy it!

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But how ego will reduce the starbits inflation?

We will address that if it becomes a problem.


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You could put a limit on how many times you do a mission in a hour/day. Or have it give out less Starbits the more times you do a mission. Each time you do it, it gives 10 % less. But if you let it rest it will slowly go back up resetting everyday.

A reducing reward until you rest is an interesting idea!
Each mission could have a bar showing how many more times it can be done without rest.

Let's see what effect the new change has as it should make people do different mission types throughout the day.


Hey @nastyforce, here is a little bit of BEER from @risingstargame for you. Enjoy it!

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Moving to beta is awesome! The game is really fun and I wish Rising Star can last for years (and I will be there singing as well)! Best of luck and I am in! 🤗

Thank you very much. It has certainly been more challenging but also more rewarding than I could have dreamed!


Hey @manandezo, here is a little bit of BEER from @risingstargame for you. Enjoy it!

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i sooooo excited :)

Glad to hear it!


Hey @ciderjunkie, here is a little bit of BEER from @risingstargame for you. Enjoy it!

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Sounds good to me - I think it will help balance things out. And a bonus is that ego/mission is in line with the conceit of the game - the more you do the bigger your ego gets anyway - and fans amplify that. There's a logic there, as well as it curbing the balance issue you have.

Good luck with the BETA - loving the ride so far, and excited to see how it continues to develop...

It was tricky trying to think of something that fits in with the narrative of the game!


Hey @gribbles, here is a little bit of BEER from @risingstargame for you. Enjoy it!

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Interesting - I have no single Legendary card and bought several packs :-). Brings me to a question I always wanted to ask. The "Letters" of the cards: E stands for Epic L for Legendary, R for Rare - what is the meaning of "F" cards?

How can someone get 100,000 Startbits per day by doing missions? I mainly neeed petrol cans these days :-).

"F" is for founder cards. Anyone who has played before the Beta can claim one by choosing from F1,F2,F3 or F4 and sending me a DM in Discord.

100,000 a day happens if you have 1000s of cards and 6 or so legendaries.

It will still be possible but you would need to open a lot more packs now.


Got ya, so I DM you on discord and get a "F" card?

Wow! I need that)
!BEER 4 u!
Love the changes!

Hey @risingstargame, here is a little bit of BEER from @rollie1212 for you. Enjoy it!

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Hey @uwelang, here is a little bit of BEER from @risingstargame for you. Enjoy it!

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Enjoying it so much and will keep promoting the game!

Thank you very much for your continued support!


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Oh, you didn't get your


Hey @forykw, here is a little bit of BEER from @cadawg for you. Enjoy it!

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I had thought there were a lot more legendary cards than there should be, but then you said that the odds were not accurately shown. It will be interesting to see how this affects the market. I want it to be fun, but it was quite profitable for some.

Some people can keep clicking every 5 minutes to do the shorter missions with the higher earnings, but others cannot due to work or other reasons and there should be less penalty for them. Adding ego could help balance this out.

I can see that making it fair and fun is not an easy task, but you are doing a good job by taking feedback from the community. You will never please everyone. Just see the fuss kicked up in Splinterlands recently.

Cheers and !BEER

Thank you, as always, for your support!

This was one of the most challenging things to do and it took a few days of the old grey matter.

No we will never please everyone but better to have the majority enjoying the game for years to come.


Hey @steevc, here is a little bit of BEER from @risingstargame for you. Enjoy it!

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was that the drop rate for legendary cards was way too high.

Epics too?, I noticed it but didn't want to say anything. It will make card pack buying less attractive but hopefully will be better for the game in the long run.

Cards will still drop at the rate commensurate with their stats. If we left it as it was we could have had more people buying packs for sure but then a dead game in six months.


I do applaud your actions, something had to change. This will change things and I am interested to see what will happen, especially with caps imposed on cards.

There needs to be value and people want what they can't get. Watch the 'used' market!

thank you for your support. means a lot!

Hey @slobberchops, here is a little bit of BEER from @risingstargame for you. Enjoy it!

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This post has been manually curated by @sayee from Indiaunited community. Join us on our Discord Server.

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Please contribute to the community by upvoting this comment and posts made by @indiaunited.

We have reduced the drop rate for legendary and epic cards and are monitoring this in real time. The rates will be adjusted until we hit a desired level.

You've already allowed monsters to grow, earning 100,000 Starbits a day. Why weren't these changes introduced earlier? Who will buy packs, where there will be even fewer legends and epics? Who and why will buy Starbits on the market?

well i have 1.2 Million starbits buy wall xD so dont worry about liquidity yet.. and its an alpha thats why hes introducing these changes ASAP

I'm not worried about a million starbits or today's market, I'm looking at the long term.
By the way, I can't see you 1.2M wall 😅

look at the chart depth xD, there you will see it

look at the chart depth xD, there you will see it

Thanks and enjoy! ;)

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Hey @liuke96player, here is a little bit of BEER from @cadawg for you. Enjoy it!

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Hey @risingstargame, here is a little bit of BEER from @steevc for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Hey @risingstargame, here is a little bit of BEER from @cadawg for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Just curious, what's wrong with people getting 100k Starbits a day ?

If everyone paid, say, 1 million STARBITS to get the cards and can then earn 100k a day then it would not be sustainable.

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Sounds good! Keep it up! 🔥

Whoever starts playing risingstargame soon becomes addicted and a fan, at least, this is my case.

Good work guys, keep it up.

I do my best to do this right.

I am SUPER excited to see where things go 😍

I've been loving the game. I never thought of the ways in which cards could abnormally abrupt the distribution of Starbits :/ but obviously it makes sense.

One, unrelated, but currently related, question. Is there any way to get an Undead Fred other than the marketplace? I am a huge Halloween freak and couldn't be more interested in the special mission (nerd face). But I'm afraid Undead Fred is going to be unavailable before I can afford him :( Hahhaha