Rising Star New Pack Opening & Card Giveaway - Win Seasonal Card Christmas Choir (Ends Jan. 1, 2022)

in Rising Star Game3 years ago (edited)

Last week I had a Rising Star contest and put up a Sarge card as the prize.

Let's take a look at the rules for entry from that last post:

In order to qualify for this giveaway, leave a comment telling me your favorite color and include your Rising Star username.

If you happen to have the same favorite color as me, I'll send you a $PIZZA token!

Entries will be accepted until December 22, 2021 and I will select one winner of the R126 Sarge card.

Next, let's see how many entries were received by the deadline: 33. I think this is a new participation record for my @RisingStarGame giveaways!

Card Giveaway Results

R126 Sarge:

R126 Sarge


Congratulations to @silver-edge for winning the rare Sarge card!

What is Your Favorite Color?

The requirement for entry was to share your favorite color and I offered to send a $PIZZA token to each person who had the same favorite color as me! Let's take a look at the number of responses for each color:

Blue: 13
Green: 6
Purple: 4
Red: 3
Orange: 3
Black: 2
Yellow: 1
White: 1

It turns out my favorite color is also the most popular favorite of those who posted a comment, blue! I will be sending a free $PIZZA token to the following people who chose blue as their favorite color:

@rentaw03, @amaillo, @edgerik, @theacks, @saimaali, @uggya, @lacandela, @txracer, @zeclipse, @pravesh0, @silver-edge, @germangenius, @szmobacsi

Congratulations to all my fellow blue peeps! I'll be sending you each one $PIZZA token. If you haven't heard of the PIZZA token project, you should certainly take a look at the www.hive.pizza website and @thebeardflex's latest weekly update post: https://ecency.com/hive-185582/@thebeardflex/hivepizza-or-witness-updates

There's so much happening in the PIZZA community that I am sure everyone can find something fun and exciting to get involved in! You can also find PIZZA on Discord: https://discord.gg/k4EbuYXX

New Pack Opening

Let's open up another three packs of cards today:

Pack 1:


Pack 2:


Pack 3:


Let's take a look at the Rare and Seasonal cards I received:

R117 Space Delay: 50 Luck

R90 Touring Coach: 550 Fans, 0 Skill, 3 Luck

R115 Microlight: 400 Fans, 0 Skill, 2 Luck

S27 Christmas Choir: 125 Fans, 125 Skill, 5 Luck

I'm LOVING the Touring Coach card as this is the coolest ride I have yet! This will be a big change from the Mid Range Tour Bus that I'm currently using.

The Christmas Choir card is a duplicate and I know how much many of you have wanted to get this card, so I'm going to give it away to one lucky person! Keep reading to find out what the entry requirements will be to win this limited edition seasonal card!

My current RisingStar stats are as follows:

4430 Fans
789 Luck
4175 Skill
94 Cards

Level 43


I moved up one level this week and the grind is real! It's getting slower and slower to move up. I'm currently playing the Record A Demo mission a lot, which requires 100% energy and rewards 400-1130 starbits and 132 XP.

New Giveaway!

Because I received a duplicate seasonal card in my pack opening today, I'm going to give one of them away to one lucky reader! The S27 Christmas Choir card will be given away. This seems fitting since I'm posting this new giveaway on Christmas Day!

In order to qualify for this giveaway, leave a comment with your Rising Star username and share what your New Year Resolution is for 2022. If you don't have a resolution, simply share something you're looking forward to in the new year!

Entries will be accepted until January 1, 2022 and I will select one winner of the S27 Christmas Choir card.

Christmas Choir

New OneUp Token & Content Curation

If you haven't heard the news, Rising Star is now a curator for the new OneUp token! OneUp is a token for crypto gaming content so make sure you are including the #OneUp tag in all your Rising Star posts to get those extra tokens! For more info about this new project, check out Flauwy's post here: https://www.1up.zone/@flauwy/1up-a-new-hive-outpost-for-playtoearn-blockchain-games-and-nft-assets

Orions Peak Gaming

Another newcomer to the second-layer token gaming curation scene is OPG. Simply add the OPG tag to your HIVE gaming posts and you might get curated and even receive some OPG tokens too! Just from my gaming posts, I've been sent so many tokens for my content that I have reached the OPG token richlist and am now earning additional weekly rewards! All this is possible by adding the OPG tag and making great Hive gaming content!


I found out about @RisingStarGame through the @Hive.Pizza project where there are many other aspiring Rising Star players.

I am also very active in the @Splinterlands guilds within the HivePIZZA community. Check out my latest #BrawlReport here: https://www.splintertalk.io/@shauner/shauner-s-22nd-splinterlands-brawl

Good luck everyone!


My New Year Resolution is to do more sports!

!gif merry christmas

That sounds like fun! What kind of sports are you into? I grew up playing hockey, soccer, and bowling and haven't done any of them in years now that I'm old and working an office job haha.

I was also a lot more into sports, when I was younger and now got lazy 😂
We do some regular bouldering and if covid allows we also go for swimming.

Adulting is hard! haha

Quiero participar, mi resolución para el próximo año es seguir trabajando en la plataforma para incrementar mi HP y así ayudar a más personas que compartan buenos contenidos. @lokywolf2295 !LOL

What do you call a religious ceremony with one person?
Single service.

@shauner, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @lokywolf2295
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (1/4)

Thanks for the PIZZA, I want to participate, my resolution for next year is to continue working on the platform to increase my HP and thus help more people who share good content.
RS: edgerik

That's a great goal! It's getting harder to add to HP lately with the price of Hive rising... but I suppose that's a good problem to have!

Making my small business successful is my goal for 2022.

That's a great goal! What kind of small business are you in?

Diesel Repair

Seems like a great sector to be in right now!

I'm looking forward to my college graduation and in starting a new chapter in my life afterwards. @zero-exp

Congratulations on your upcoming graduation! What field is your degree going to be in?

My new years resolution is to write more quality content right here on hive.

Best of luck on your new goal in 2022!

Count me in 😊 @blitzzzz

Also, please enjoy this delicious slice of !PIZZA 🍕

My resolution for 2020 is to learn more about myself and how I can better improve 😉 It sounds corny, but this is basically my resolution every year - with varying degrees of success over the years. 😄

I can certainly relate to the varying degrees of success over the years! It's always a good idea to keep improving!


Yes! Happiness is so important!

A true Gentleman! Hoping to get back into rock climbing in 2022. The pandemic has killed my drive to go outside.

I can relate to this so much. Between the pandemic and the cold weather where I am currently living, I have zero motivation to be active! Hoping 2022 can be the end of this awful pandemic.

Merry christmas bro that 2022 may be the best year yet !PIZZA

Learning a new language is my resolution for 2022!

This is a great resolution! I would love to be bi-lingual someday. I bought the Rosetta Stone program, but haven't started it yet. Which language do you want to learn?

I want to get a new job next year.

That's great! Best of luck to you in your job search!

My start of the year will be my first time as a father, my goal this new year is to become a good father to my baby.



@titopx, sorry! You need more to stake more $PIZZA to use this command.

The minimum requirement is 20.0 PIZZA staked.

More $PIZZA is available from Hive-Engine or Tribaldex

Congratulations! I'm sure this will be an exciting first year of fatherhood for you!

My New Year Resolution is to learn Java and to develop my first application.

That's great! I am starting a Data Science program this year and hope to learn at least one new programming language.

My resolution for 2022 is work on my anxiety and get better at writing.

Thanks for the opportunity!


I think we may be twins or something! Those are two things I can relate to! Best of luck in 2022!

Conjoined twins separated at birth! One is a bunny the other is a bridge (judging by our profile pics) our mother suffered a little during delivery XD

Congrats again to the winners of the PIZZA contest! All rewards have been sent!

Thanks so much for the new card - it is much appreciated!

Count me in for the next draw - my New Years Resolution is to be more diligent with the Crypto programmes I like and to be more selective in what Crypto programmes I work with as there are too many to work on!



You're very welcome! That sounds like a great resolution. There is so much going on in crypto that it's very easy to get spread too thin!


My New Year's Resolution: I will upload 2 to 3 contents each day in Hive. Happy Holidays! <#

Hi there! Thank you for the !PIZZA! I'm a big fan! 🍕
I really like your posts, very well written, informative and honest content.
I really didn't think about 2022's resolution until your post, so thanks for that as well! 😊
I guess I want to be more active IRL, Online and Cryptowise. Want to finish successfully my school and get my driving license finally. 💪
What are YOUR resolutions? Maybe you should write it down in your next post. 😊😜

Those are great resolutions! Good luck on getting your driving license. I remember when I got mine that it opened up a whole new world of opportunity. I'll certainly be sharing my resolutions in my next Rising Star post :)

Create my nft collection @johnweed

I would like to get more in shape and try set more money aside for the future, broaden my horizons!


Merry Christmas!

I want to participate @rufast
My resolution for this new year is not to spend all my Hives on cards and to keep playing and publishing!

Happy New Year!! :)

Yay! 🤗
Your content has been boosted with Ecency Points, by @shauner.
Use Ecency daily to boost your growth on platform!

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I hope everyone stay safe and well to enjoy the little time we have with family and friends. @myeong

I'm keen to win this card! Rising star UN: @mimismartypants

My resolution this year is to be kinder to myself! How about yours? !PIZZA

Count me in too! For next year I want to invest more time in cryptos! @lofone

My new year resolution is to learn more about the crypto space and gain more knowledge in this new game I found Rising Star @subaxis :)

Please count me in! @uggya

My new years resolution for 2022 it's to dedicate more time at Hive learning about it and grown in Rising Star to have my personal band!

I am not waiting for the new year to start on it. My resolution is to invest more and generate multiple income streams. Already did small investments in the crypto and real-world stuff. So you can say that my 2022 resolution is to become financially stable.
Plus there is this tine tiny desire to write a book.. :-P

Don't really have a resolution but am really looking forward to hopefully seeing more family and friends this next year.
IGN @zacherybinx

New year resolution is to post more on HIVE :)

in this 2022 I hope to recover the money invested in Risingstar


My New Year Resolution is get 300 hive power
Happy new year

My resolution for the next is to keep working so I can get a full wallet and distribute good wishes to the community. i have a long way hehe. @michupa

my resolution is to become a rock star!

username: lebey1. I do not have a new year resolution. i just want to have a life better than 2021