Rising Star Diary #134

in Rising Star Game β€’ 3 years ago (edited)

Hello friends and welcome to my hundredth-thirty-fourth day in Rising Star!!


Stats: +176 skill

Giveaway Results: I won 2 giveaways today! πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ

Thanks @pablodare!!!Thanks @mawit07!!!

Shopping Session:

I bought the 2 Rehearsal Room available at once, plus the 5x Can of Petrol needed for the next mission (even though there are still 5 XP levels left)


My routine:

  • 8x Illegal Busking (3632 starbits and 144XP/ 3 pizzas, 3 coffees and 492 drunk fans)
  • 8x Radio Interview (4357 starbits and 152XP/ 3 coffees and 229 drunk fans)
  • 8x Open Mic Night (3497 starbits and 288XP/ 3 pizzas, 1 coffee and 494 drunk fans)
  • 9x Midweek Support Slot (3383 starbits and 828XP/ 2 pizzas, 1 4leaf clover, 1 coffee and 2275 drunk fans)
  • 8x Band Rehearsal (4331 starbits and 168XP/ 3 pizzas, 1 coffee, 76 drunk fans and 50 starbits to complete for the first time)
  • 1x Local Mini Tour Support (851 starbits and 242XP/ 1 pizza)
  • 1x Guitar Lesson (166 skill and 216XP)
  • 1x Starbits Millionaire (10k starbits/ 640 drunk fans)

This is my level at the time I write this post:


This is the amount of starbits at the time I write this post: 20K Withdraw


This is my Ego at the time I write this post:


Daily Reward:


Thank you for reading and GG!!!! πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

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Hey there! It says that it is a giveaway! You have cool posts, very informative and I can see what it is like to be a lvl 80!

If it is a giveaway please count me in! ;) GG

Thanks for your comment, but it's not a giveaway πŸ˜”. My mind bugged and it was supposed to be written diary πŸ™ƒ. Thanks again!