The Winners of Giveaway No. 52 and Giveaway No. 53 (DEU/ENG)



Auf geht es in eine neue Woche und dem Giveaway Nr. 53. Die Sieger dieser Woche heißen:

Off we go into a new week and giveaway #53. This week's winners are:

Winner of 10.000 Starbits


Winner of R74 Blue Mic


Winner of R92 Desktop Mic



Meine herzlichsten Glückwunsche gehen an alle Gewinner und wer dieses mal leer ausgegangen ist, der hat in der nächsten Woche wieder die Chance auf 10.000 Starbits und einer von 2 Rare-Karten. Es wird eine Rare-Karte, die man derzeit nicht mehr in Packs bekommt und eine die aktuell zu bekommen ist.

My warmest congratulations go to all the winners and those who came away empty-handed this time will have another chance to win 10,000 Starbits and one of 2 Rare cards next week. There will be one rare card that you can't currently get in packs anymore and one that is currently available to get.


Im Moment liegt der Fokus darauf, das Level 200 zu erreichen und damit endlich die Country Tour zu spielen. Im Moment stehe ich im Level 185 und schaffe in der Woche ca. 2 Level so dass ich hier wahrscheinlich noch 7 Wochen benötige.

At the moment my focus is to reach level 200 and finally play the Country Tour. At the moment I'm at level 185 and manage about 2 levels a week, so I'll probably need another 7 weeks here.



Außerdem beginnt morgen die letzte Festival Tour für den Raum Nordeuropa. Dann kann ich meine erste Collection vervollständigen und bekomme hierfür die Karte FTB 1 "Dougie". Der Aufwand für die Karte ist schon enorm. Jede Woche die nötigen StarPro-Token zu bekommen und dann die Missionen zu erledigen. Ich bin gespannt, wie viele von dieser Karte gedruckt werden.

Also, the last festival tour for the Northern Europe area starts tomorrow. Then I can complete my first collection and get the card FTB 1 "Dougie" for this. The effort for the card is already enormous. Getting the necessary StarPro tokens every week and then completing the missions. I am curious how many of this card will be printed.


Im Moment stehe ich bei Level 185
Gespielte Minuten der letzten 7 Tage: 3.725
Anzahl Missionen: 10.747
Rang: 54
EGO: 6
Karten: 1.062

At the moment I am at level 185
Played minutes in the last 7 days: 3.725
Number of missions: 10.747
Rank: 54
EGO: 6
Cards: 1.062




  • Ihr müsst das Spiel spielen
  • Bitte schreibt irgendwas in die Kommentare
  • Dauer der Verlosung ca. 7 Tage
  • Upvote- oder Reblog darf, muss aber nicht
  • Bitte nur mit einem Account teilnehmen
  • Bots sind verboten
  • Der Gewinner wird zufällig ermittelt und hier bekannt gegeben


  • you must play the game
  • Please leave a comment
  • Duration of the raffle approx. 7 days
  • Upvotes are not necessary but welcome
  • Please only participate with one account
  • Bots are prohibited
  • The winner will be determined at random

Wer noch nicht Teil des Spiels ist kann gerne meinen Link verwenden und direkt loslegen.

If you are not part of the game yet, please use my link and get started right away.



Außerdem empfehle ich euch noch @Rabona den Soccer-Manager auf der Hive-Blockchain!

I also recommend @Rabona the Soccer-Manager on the Hive-Blockchain!

All pictures are from @risingstargame #risingstar #risingstargame and @Rabona


@belhaven14 @scotty297 @fernandutis

There are 2 pages

Congratulations to all the winners of round 52
I hope I've entered for the round 53

Good Luck

Thanks for the beer

Hey @alovely, here is a little bit of BEER from @ynwa.andree for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Yes, the Festival bands will finally have a meaning!!
Only Iceland is left to get Dougie.

The hardest part is earning the STARPRO. At least the bids have dropped back into the 100s again.

I' ! Ign failingforwards

I want to participate. @yeckingo1

please add my name in the draw.
I have been playing it daily
username - imfarhad

I will participate @amaillo. Sadly i'am still pretty new and when i started to play the event was a bit..advanced and also i did not understand at all for what is was xD

Please count me in.

Count me in please ^^ @subidu

Congrats you are the winner of a rare-card.
The Card is already in your collection.

Thanks for the card!!! ^^

Please include me

Congrats to winners, please count me in the next,

Congrats, you won this Giveaway. Tokens sent.


Fantastic thanks a lot 🤩

Hey @servelle, here is a little bit of BEER from @ynwa.andree for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Please count me in for this one! Danke

Versuche auch dieses Mal wieder mein GLück

count me in please @dubble

Der Aufwand für die Karte ist schon enorm. Jede Woche die nötigen StarPro-Token zu bekommen und dann die Missionen zu erledigen.

ich hab mir das vor einer weile mal mal grob angeschaut, für mich steht der aufwand in keinem verhältnis zum ertrag, daher habe ich das bis jetzt sein gelassen.

Hi, I want to participate too. Thank you for doing life better yourway.

Joa da mach icv mal wieder mit ;)

Count me in for the next one!

Thank you so much for the prize! I'd like to enter for the next drawing :)







@ynwa.andree, you've been given LUV from @belhaven14.

Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (1/1)

Add me for next giveaway @dragon29

Hey @ynwa.andree, here is a little bit of BEER from @monsterbuster for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.


@ynwa.andree! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @nupulse.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (1/10)


@ynwa.andree! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @nupulse.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (5/10)

I'd like to participate @c3r34lk1ll3r

Just started a few days ago after everyone on Hive did and are in stratosphere now. :D

I want to participe

This post has been manually curated by Rising Star Game

The NFT based music career game built on HIVE

count me in for the next giveaway! thanks!!


Good Luck

Hey @javiss, here is a little bit of BEER from @ynwa.andree for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Ah I might have to reconsider buying some of the festival tour stuff. I heard on the latest radio evolved that you might need 3 of each one so it's a tough choice if you want each unique card

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Add me please.

Add me for next giveaway @k5905200786


@ynwa.andree! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @trentonlundy1.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (4/10)

Count me in

cuenta conmigo para el proximo sorteo andre! @maurojd

Thanks for the giveaway! Count me on this one!

IGN @luizeba

Please count me in. I'm new but I play daily. I'm up to level 22. Thanks for the chance to win😍

Congrats, you are the Winner of a Rare-Card.
The Card is in your Collection.

Wow! Thank you so much! I look forward to future drawings🤩

count me in pls

¡Quiero participar!

I want to participate in the draw my friend, my user is @mario02

Danke schön freunde!!

@ynwa.andree! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @trenloco.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (5/10)

Thanks for all!!!!

Count me other time!!! :D

Count me in :D

Hi, I'm entering this new giveaway today, let's see if I win one of those awesome prizes.

Good Luck.

Hey @josueprime, here is a little bit of BEER from @ynwa.andree for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Count me in please :)

Am a lucky explorer.
Finding good giveaways for me and my friends is just my kind of thing.
Permit me to invite my friends and family.
@ddn688 @alovely @daniella619 @alovely088

Waw. I never knew that this contest is live again.
Thank you for the reminder and invite.
I really appreciate it

Yes. It has been on and on with lots of entries

Wow, thanks for the tag and reminder

You're welcome.
Also remember to keep and eye on his profile.
There'll be another one next week

Thanks. I will

Truly, you are a good one in finding things that are good.
Thank for the invite

Yes. Doing the findings is just what I normally do here on hive.
One must find good things

Yes. That's right

Than you for inviting me to this contest
It's nice to participate

You're welcome to join.
Good luck to you and all who have entered

Am in. Let's rock and roll

We're now having better numbers of entries and winners.
This is my entry

Happy new month y'all!!!
It's nice to participate in this contest

Thanks for the giveaway @michaeldav

There are 2 pages