“These Vaccines Saved No One!” - Dr. Pierre Kory Unloads the Truth on the Wisconsin State Legislature


It makes you wonder if any unfettered discussion can occur.
Have, morality and ethics, been replaced with, dogma and personal profit?

I am not sure anymore.
Having worked for Corporations, I saw how much they focused upon their bottom line. Any negative had to be buried or spun into a positive.
Words changed to fit the mantra of the time.
Colleagues tend to follow the route of least resistance. Especially, if it brought more money into their bank accounts.
The Ends justifies the Means.
Are we unable to break from our very base nature as humans? Can we look beyond our self-serving interests. Is it too painful to look beyond our own thought limits and to open up to a challenging paradigm?


There is also the annoying rumblings of Truth.
Not "truth", but, "Truth".
It gets drowned out with our busy lives. We can suppress it for some time.
It inevitably pushes through to create our bastions of History.

I read once that maybe people honour the religious pure, the humanitarian, the martyr and the benevolent, because of the fact, such behaviour, is the opposite of the average person.

Anyway, the voices of Truth, have always faced adversity.
It is actually a crime to try and bury the Truth. As the Truth is what sets us free. While it is buried it allows for the worst of humanity to create misery in some form.
Those same tyrants are the one's who beg forgiveness, lie to save their neck, or end themselves, before the light shines upon their foul work.

I like venues that allow for open discussion.
I have learnt alot, I have changed my mind, and gained new insights, from hearing perspectives that differ to my own.

Keep talking, Keep listening, Keep sharing.
Remember to breathe & enjoy yourself.