jagged cross-posted this post in Cafe Locked Out last year

Kulture: Cafe Locked Out's New Culture Show


Kulture: Cafe Locked Out's New Culture Show

Starting tomorrow

Big News: Cafe Locked Out's find Jim Scott, his song the Crime is going viral in the USA.

We are after
New Songs, New Paintings, Human Art, Ai Art, Poetry, Memes, Street Art,
Theatre, Film, etc etc.

Let's kick start the Renaissance .

Wednesday 8 pm Sydney Time.
Then moving to Sunday.

Special guests:
Paul Siels, who will premiere the video for his new song Rise Like Lions.

And Al Muir with his song: Peaceful Warrior.

And More.

Co Hosts, Stewart Macfarlane.

Facebook: Cafe Locked Out.
Rumble Cafe Locked Out

The Freedom movement, which blossomed, organically, under duress, in unison with all the jab injuries and jabs deaths, and finally, good old Australian common sense, managed to install enough doubt in the population, that many are refusing the boosters.

Simultaneously, and globally, the leper-Scientists and defiant Doctors working together, all unfunded, have won the science battle.

Now it is the time for another demographic to rise and help us win the cultural war.

The Artists.

No matter what form of Art you are into, we need you to help us rediscover who we are now, why we got so lost, and in what direction we can head in a search for a better humanitarian culture.

Basically, it’s time for our Artists to become our navigators and go searching for Australia.

My small part in this is to offer our platform, Café Locked Out, while it is still on air, as a place to support and celebrate the work of these brave and essential artists.

The Renaissance is here. Now is the time to be a significant artist.

Don’t worry about trying to appease the government, in order to get a grant, don’t worry about what your friends and family think, instead, remember that true and free art is the deepest voice of your soul, and your purest unfiltered voice is not only unique, but now desperately required.

Please send us your songs, your photos, your paintings, your poetry or whatever form you voice takes to [email protected].

Michael Gray Griffith