🥩 Ground beef
🥩 Green dressings
🥩 Salt
🥩 Sauce previously prepared with tomatoes, coriander, onion, parsley and garlic.
🥩 Flour
🥩 Oil
🥩 Water
🥩 cream soup sachet
🥩 Carne de res molida
🥩 Aliños verdes
🥩 Sal
🥩 Salsa previamente preparada con tomates, cilantro, cebolla, perejil y ajo.
🥩 Harina
🥩 Aceite
🥩 Agua
🥩 Sobre de sopa de crema
🥩 I usually have meat in the freezer already seasoned, so I only took it out of the freezer for a couple of hours and when it was ready I started preparing it.
🥩 I put a blended sauce prepared previously with green seasonings, paprika, onions, garlic and tomatoes.
🥩 Add that sauce and salt and start kneading the meat.
🥩 Acostumbro a tener a carne en el congelador ya aderezada, asi que solo la saque del congelador un par de horas y al estar lista comencé a prepararla.
🥩 Le coloque una salsa licuada y preparada con anterioridad con aliños verdes, pimentón, cebollas, ajo y tomates.
🥩 Agregue esa salsa y sal y comencé amasar la carne.
🥩 Take some pre-cooked flour and pour it into a plate
🥩 I made the meat in 10 meat balls (you can bathe them in egg if you like before passing them through the flour but for the baby I do not pass them through the egg.)
🥩 Once the meat balls are made, I pass them through the precooked flour.
🥩 Tome un poco de harina precocida y la vacie en un plato
🥩 La carne la hice en 10 bolitas de carne (pueden bañarlas en huevo si gustan antes de pasarla por la harina pero para el bebe no las paso por huevo.)
🥩 Una vez hechas las bolitas de carne las paso por la harina precocida.
🥩 Previously heated the pan with oil, empty the balls to fry them
🥩 Once fried, place them on a plate while in a frying pan pour the sauce and cook it for 3 minutes.
🥩 Once cooked, add the meatballs to the sauce and cook over low heat until the sauce dries up.
🥩 Previamente calentado el sarten con aceite vacié las bolitas para freírlas
🥩 Una vez freídas las coloque en un plato mientras en una sarten vacié salsa y la cocine por 3minutos
🥩 Una vez cocinada incorpore las albóndigas a la salsa y deje cocinar a fuego lento hasta secarse la salsa.
🥩 I bought the cream soup in the supermarket, the child likes its flavor very much.
🥩 Take a pot and add 100ml of water
🥩 Take the envelope and empty half of it into the water
🥩 Take it to the kitchen over low heat mixing with a shake until it boils and the mixture thickens.
🥩Not forgetting to put a little salt and butter.
🥩 La Sopa en crema la compre en el super mercado, su sabor le gusta mucho al niño.
🥩 Tome una holla y agregue 100ml de agua
🥩 Tome el sobre y vacié en el agua la mitad
🥩 La lleve a la cocina a fuego lento mezclando con un batidos hasta hervir y espesar la mezcla.
🥩 Sin olvidar colocar un poco de sal y mantequilla.
🥩🍲 I really like to present my son with an orderly plate, I want him to get used to eating calmly and in order.🥩🍲
🥩🍲 Me gusta mucho presentarle ordenado el plato a mi hijo, quiero que se acostumbre a comer tranquilo y en orden.🥩🍲
🥩🍲 I greatly admire mothers and I include myself, who always look for the nutritional well-being of our children and who every day have to creatively invent it so that they eat healthy.🥩🍲
🥩🍲 Admiro mucho a las madres y me incluyo, que siempre buscamos el bienestar alimenticio de nuestros hijos u que cada día tenemos que inventárnosla creativamente para que coman sano.🥩🍲
![Still Waiting Reaction GIF by MOODMAN](https://images.hive.blog/0x0/https://media4.giphy.com/media/SY2hQpAMLnuxtgLT5C/200.gif)
Here we have a tradition of eating soups on Sunday too.
Being creative in the kitchen for our kids and their needs (even though sometimes they dont know what they're eating) its indeed something helpful for mammas out there. Especially if they kids are picky.