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RE: The Past Week In The Cannabis Community Of The Hive Block Chain

in WeedCash Networklast year (edited)

Greetings to the entire community, I saw something that seemed quite strange, a person arriving with only 2 photos and few written words received more score than I have received even having more depth and quality photos in my publications, I have also seen people who publish and do not comment and have extremely high scores, I do not know if it has to do with the level they have or their influence, I think there should be more balance, the last publication I posted did not even pass the 10 cents, I do not know if the last publications with lower scores are mine? apparently yes, but I said that the important thing for me was more to publish and share what I am doing than the score was a plus.

Of course if we perceive any discomfort we have to speak out and not stay silent like fools, I think this community is good but there are some things that I see unfair, maybe because they are happening directly to me, in any case I will be told that I should have more participation but my real participation and worth the redundancy is with the publications.


We have told you many times before. This will be the last time.

Whatever one does with their stake is their choice. Voting, downvoting, or not voting.

You reached out to us about votes. We kindly told you the secret, which isn’t a secret at all. Comment.

But instead you spend more time complaining instead of commenting. Heck you spend more time spamming Discord with your posts than commenting.

And yes there will be always people who post who never comment. We will encourage them, but eventually if they don’t participate and only post, they will be ignored.

So please stop coming to us to complaining acting like you know it all when we already told you how you could help out the community, and help give it balance. We have been doing this for close to 5 years now, keeping the community alive, when at times is was about to die. Trying to be as fair as possible, showing love trying to make us all successful.

One more thing, it would be nice if others did help out and point people in the right direction. Like you see a new person only posting a couple pics and not commenting, maybe say hey brother/sister. A key part of success here on Hive is to comment, comment, and post good publications.

There are people who do not comment and receive a lot of votes, I do not spend my time complaining I just say what I see and about 3 times in all the time I've been, spam I do not know what you mean I just promote my publication to be visible that is not spam and that is what social networks are for, I guess you know? I do not want to fall into a discussion that will not serve anything, I am a busy guy I guess you too and when I have time I make my publications, I am very reasonable and you received me with open arms but when I have to say something I say it without offending and I am not intimidated by any person, I will continue publishing because I have a lot of quality content you have seen and I will try to find time to comment that I see is more valuable.