If your a Dev be prepared, these girls are everywhere. Climbing that corporate ladder.
I was listening to this on the Radio, laughing like a nut. So why not pass it on. I think most of you will get a kick out of the story. This is a second date call.
Come on we've all been there right? Ha!
Start from the top. OH MY! you make computers😚! LMFAO
Dev1- Hey were did my date go? What? She left with My Boss! Awe FFS!🤨
Two weeks pass
The Boss - Hey were did my date go? What? She left with
Roger Ver! Awe FFS!🤨
Two weeks pass
Roger Ver - where did my date go? What? She left with Elon Musk!. Awe FFS!🤨
Two weeks pass
Elon Musk - where did my date go? What? She left with Jeff Bezos!. Awe FFS! 🤨
I think you get it...🙃
Keep Seemin
I mean Keep Steemin. 😁👍
I hear ya Brother Bob. From the record of King James