As you can see my city is growing. The worker card are coming from homeless/immigrants that passed training. My training chance is 48% and I usually convert one to a worker everyday.
I have started buying regular farm cards in addition to the weed farms. I am buying these to help my stats/population. I also got the tech card that boosts income, but subtracts popularity. I easily balance that by purchasing weed farms along with farms. Weed farms are still my priority long term.
I am not going to be doing much buying until the third edition launches. I'm mostly just saving my SIM. I also bought a little SIM figuring it should increase in value as the 3rd edition approaches.
That's it for my update. Thanks for reading
Hopefully, not much longer now before the new edition is out. When starting out, I stocked up on farms and job centers as in order to boost my population. Looks you have a good mix there including the social card which was one of my first big purchases.
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Yeah the social card is great. It allowed me to stock up on a few apartments and not worry about the unemployment - which at my level isn't too costly but I wanted to get that under control before it was an issue.
It’s really good to have a long term goal.
I also believe in the Dcity game to have more value when the third edition card gets launched
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
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