The daily dab..

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Good morning y'all and welcome to today's show where one again Im doing dabs.. I'm definitely scared to try and smoke a joint inside plus I'm starting to enjoy dabbing.. I'm still smoking the first gram of what I have and is been almost a week..

@geneeverett.. ain't you a NY Rangers fan?

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The Daily Dab... Sounds like another Morning Bowl show starring someone else LOL.

Branching out for a new series. loll

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BEERHey @hippie-witha-gun, here is a little bit of from @isnochys for you. Enjoy it!

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Haha good to see you are cruising through the hoax sickness.

That sea horse really made you emotional!

Hope you feel much better for the rest of the day. Enjoy some lime and soup if you can.

Hey man, I use this editing software for the phone called inshot. You can do video inside video on it. I think even on the free version.