Setting up a grow room


Find and set up a grow room
What requirements should a good grow room meet?
First of all, there are several options for setting up a grow room for yourself. Almost every space can be converted into a grow room and that is eagerly done! Even (too large) nurseries have been discovered in moving trucks and even on boats or in bridges!

Growing cannabis - what requirements should the grow room meet?
In order to set up your own culture, the space in which you grow must meet a number of things.

You need electricity, preferably with soil.
The grow room must not allow light to enter from outside and vice versa!
There must be a supply of fresh air and an extraction of old air.
Growing Weed in an Attic - Is It Or Not?
Most attics are very hot in summer and very cold in winter. So you will have to be able to regulate your temperature here. What you can do is leave the lamp on at night and off during the day. An attic is usually less suitable because of the sloping walls, so you have less space at your disposal.


Growing cannabis in a bedroom - yes or no?
In most bedrooms the temperature is a problem, especially in the south-facing rooms. The advantage of a bedroom is that the walls are usually straight and you can therefore make optimal use of the space. In a bedroom, no light is allowed in and no light is allowed out. This is not always convenient because there is a window in the bedroom.

Growing cannabis in a cellar - the most ideal.
A cellar is actually the most ideal grow space. The cellar must be moisture-free and not too cold. The discharge of air can sometimes cause problems in a cellar, and the discharge of water is not always easy. The big advantage is that in a cellar the temperature is usually constant and you don't have to make your grow room light-proof.

Thanks for taking the time to read my small blog on setting up a grow room.
I hope you all are well and have a great day...

peace @weedcash

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I'll be honest my favorite setup is a basement with high ceilings and a drain. it buffers the temperatures in summer as well as winter.

Allowing me to save money on my air conditioning and heating bills.