So many people feel that way too .. I've never tried it, but I have researched it enough to know that it would be one of the things I used, if needed.
It's a pretty amazing plant!!!
And there are ALOT of people on here who have gotten such relief when traditional meds didn't even come close to helping!
Curious... Have you ever tried edibles? I have heard of many who prefer that to smoking.
Glad to see you Miss!!!
Great to see u Dreemy BabeZ ❣
heyyyyyyyyy honey!!! hehehehe nice to see you!!!!! hahahaha how are you!
Doing well, just busier than a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs 💺 😀
Tryna finish up my father's estate before the Big Reset 😱
Well, the Rick Simpson Oil is edible. I could make edibles from it or from the herb, but I find the dosing more accurate from just the oil although it doesn't taste great. I dilute it with olive oil, which they say is not the best oil to dilute it with, but it does the job.
I wonder why you have not tried it. I stayed away from it for so long only to find not only does it help with depression, but, for my body chemistry, the effects are far milder than alcohol. I was very surprised. I expected something Earth shattering.
However, I think everyone has to do what is right for them, you know?
I've not tried it because I have other methods that probably some would think silly. hehehe
but like you said - it works amazingly for me. and it clears my head more than anything I've found (and I'm a HUGE proponent of keeping the mind clear)
I guess the oil is edible that you mentioned.. but somehow eating oil doesn't seem appetizing hehehe
i know they have gummies and cakes that you can bake (with the herb in it) things that might be a bit nicer to eat? have you tried those? i've heard of people who really really enjoy them.