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RE: PGR plague in the Land of the Long White Cloud (Aotearoa/New Zealand)

in WeedCash Network4 years ago

"Also, I don't think you will be able to come to New Zealand without a covid vaccine - we take that stuff quite seriously here lol."

If NZ is only going to allow citizens who take government injections to move freely, who would want to be there? lol


Yeah my bad - if you are a citizen you will be allowed in with a 2 week quarantine. But yes I for one am glad our government is taking steps to protect our population.

That didn't work out well in 1976 with the swine flu pandemic. The govt protected the population there too, with a rushed vaccine that was deemed safe and effective, the US president went on TV to take it, and then millions got sick from it, and thousands died, and they immediately halted the vaccine. The flu petered out on its own and the whole thing was said to be a mistake. Now you never hear about it, except if you encounter people like myself with knowledge to share, who can back up everything they say. But you recoil from it. You've been trained to recoil from it. Doesn't mean you're right, and being wrong in this case has serious consequences. Maybe you should open your mind and do a bit of real research, just to be sure you aren't being misled like all the people who got sick and died in 1976? Or you could just say "he's so arrogant, surely he's wrong" or "I've been told not to listen to crazy conspiracy theorists, and this is definitely one of those", which is the easier and more popular option. If you're right, then your beliefs will hold up to scrutiny and should fear no honest debate. But hey, maybe you don't have time for all this nonsense.

I know people personally who have spent many years working on this type of thing (studying virus, vaccines etc. in a university), so I am more inclined to trust them rather than some dude on the internet.

Literally hundreds of thousands of people have died already from this virus in the USA - so I think a vaccine is worth a try (note millions of people have already had these vaccines, so I think we would know by now if it was killing people).

Anyway, I'll be getting a vaccine when it's available to me and I'll let you know if it gives me any problems!

It won't give you any problems you notice (or admit). You'll put the vaccination passport on your smart device and wear your green star proudly, no doubt :D

If it won't give any noticeable problems, then why do you care so much? I thought you were worried it was going to kill millions of people like in 1976.

What is the solution you would prefer? Just let people die until we obtain natural immunity of some kind? I don't think most people are willing to accept that.

hopefully this blockchain is still active in 10 years and we can discuss it again then and see how things turned out :D

who knows, maybe you are right and I am wrong - but why would I listen to some guy on the internet rather than people who have literally spent their adult lives studying this stuff?

If you really believe this stuff - you should get some actual peer reviewed studies together so we don't have to just take your word for it ya know.