It has been a sluggish start for these little indica seedlings up here in the chilly Canadian winter wonderland! Starting a crop during the darkest week of the year is probably bad juju or something. Nevertheless, this is when the urge to grow struck me, and once the beans are popped, they're popped! Have a look how they're doing after a week and a half on my livingroom floor...

Decent colour and reasonably well formed, but not very large for 10 days. The next week will determine if this is a keeper or not.

Taking a moment to get itself straightened out, but by tomorrow it should have figured out which way is up. A bit pale.

This one's roots took quicker than the others and it is shooting up. I'll watch my light application carefully.

Bent over, but the stalk looks strong, so the roots are probably taking hold. Might be perking up in a few days!

This one's still short, but broadening out. Hopefully the colour improves as it grows.
My place stays fairly cozy even when it's cold out, but this little indoor medicine garden has to be along an outside wall, resulting in an overall lower ambient temperature than I'd like. This is the only time of year I'd like to be using a tent setup, but generally I greatly prefer the open room style of grow. Many methods work and each grower decides what is best for them in their circumstances.
Growth so far has been slow, but fingers crossed, it looks like I'm going to be able to coax these little sprouts into thriving seedlings before long!
Good luck to all in the 5 gallon challenge. I'm not competing, but I'm gardening along with you! Grow in peace.
It's a cold time to start plants. They'll be little Viking seedlings!
I feel like a reclining buddah lately! My beginning-of-winter high metabolism is slowing down :( Pass the chips
Mine are growing even more slowly.. I hate winter
Very nice photos! Should the start of a grand adventure : D
Grow in peace, I like that. So many egos in the grow world. Some people grow a plant well, then they think there god and demand people to get on their knees lol. Cool shots of the shots coming out!
Thank you, canna-brothers!
Love the close-ups! Well done so far.
Actually not looking too bad considering it's mid winter. Maybe something to insulate against drafts.