Indoor Garden Update - Planting The Clones

Hello Everyone,

The cannabis plants are coming along nicely and not much has changed in the past couple of days except for the plants are getting much larger.

The two Big Mack Superstar's are three months old and I'm not sure how much longer I should wait to induce flowering. I'm thinking we're getting close to that time.

Let's have a look at some photographs.




I decided to move some plants to the closet. The tomato plant keeps showing signs of light burn (I think) and it's getting worse, so changing to much lower powered lights will let me know if it's indeed light burn. If it continues to get worse, it's probably nutrient related.

The sunflower is looking pretty beautiful so far and the green onions are pretty good as well and will do fine under these lights, as they have in the past.

The pepper plant is looking really pretty for its size, and I am not sure moving it to this closet is a good idea, but I will be dedicating the big tent for flowering cannabis and really don't want other plants in there during that time, although I might move plants in there during light hours for the benefit of the more powerful lumens.

Tomato plant

Sunflower (held with a couple 3D printed gardening stakes)

Happy and healthy Cayenne Dragon

Clones and seedlings

The clippings are now planted in paper cups. They were not shooting roots but the one I planted early has grown some healthy roots, so I am thinking planting them with a fresh rooting hormone dip will do the trick just fine. The one in the far left rear corner is the one I planted a few days ago and it's looking droopy and weak but has some real healthy roots starting, so it should be just fine.

I have three Bangerang/Slipper Susan seedlings that are looking great and am excited to see how they look as they grow in size.

I have two sprouts of unknown origins from a large and mostly no good lot of seeds that only sprouted two out of around two hundred.


These are some serious Big Mack Superstar beasts and I have four clippings from each plant beginning to root in paper cups.

Although two females would be nice for the mother plants, I would also be happy with one male and one female, because this would make seeding possible. I probably won't seed the mother but I'll seed some clones later on if things turn out this way.

I'm thinking I will induce flowering cycle pretty soon, maybe within a few days.

That will do it for this update.

What do you all think of how things are coming along? I would love to read your thoughts below!

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Thanks for stopping by, have a great day! -@futuremind


I can't remember if you have an opportunity to grow vegetables outside of your apartment? Is there some space you could place tomatoes? They need a sunny place and a spot where they are protected from direct wind and rain. If the climate provides for some warmth in the coming months they shall do fine outside. In my mans yard we planted two tomato freshlings in a big basin and so far they are doing fine, even though the weather still lacks really warm days. Also, one cucumber in a big pot.

As nice as an indoor tent might be for your weed, I think for vegetables and herbs and stuff the outside world is preferable. Also, the plants get in contact with insects and birds which will spread later seedlings from those outside plants.

From my tiny balcony experiences I observed that flowers grow higher when mingled with herb plants, such as lovage or Maggi herb, as it was called here, which grow higher up, so the flowers themselves tend to grow higher. They compete for the light and produce stronger stems and such. Even basil which is really a sensitive plant with soft leaves gets toughened up in an environment where there it is accompanied by many other plants.

Or is it, that you want to grow eatables in the wintertime? I wonder how this works and am interested where it goes with artificial light and fertilization. I am somewhat skeptical about that, for I think it needs wind, air, insects and all that jazz to have healthy vegetables etc.

Do you compost your leftovers from the cooking? Like the peels from potatoes, cucumbers, carrots etc. etc?

Hello my friend, thank you for stopping by!

I could grow things outside, but it's a shared living space with more obstacles than I'm willing to deal with, so I've decided not to grow things outdoors.

I agree that the biodiversity would be better outdoors for vegetables but I've been successful with peppers indoors. I know I can at least grow some decent peppers in this environment, but I'm not sure about the tomatoes and other plants.

Or is it, that you want to grow eatables in the wintertime? I wonder how this works and am interested where it goes with artificial light and fertilization. I am somewhat skeptical about that, for I think it needs wind, air, insects and all that jazz to have healthy vegetables etc.

For me it's more the hobby that I enjoy, rather than trying to create a complete self sustaining food source. To do so would require that I don't grow cannabis because cannabis takes up so much space. Being that cannabis is my primary hobby, it's going to take precedence regardless of what happens with the vegetables.

Do you compost your leftovers from the cooking? Like the peels from potatoes, cucumbers, carrots etc. etc?

I never have , but only things like dead leaves and eggshells into a small damp bucket that I keep covered. Maybe I could try some heavier composting with some peels from potatoes and other things, that's a great idea because buying bags of soil is pretty expensive after a while. I like to recycle the soil as much as I can.

I would love to grow bonsai plants too, this is an unexplored passion of sorts, along with growing cacti varieties and succulents. I don't have any cacti yet but want to get some.

Thanks for your amazing thoughtful comment my friend, it's always a joy to see you :)


I don't know about indoor composting though, I have no experience with that. I have a compost on my balcony that I feed with organic kitchen waste, with dry leaves of the plant residues that grow on the balcony and mixed with soil to speed up the decomposition a bit. It needs dry and moist in equal measure.

That you are most interested in the cannabis harvest is obvious. LOL

Yes, growing your own fruits and veggies would take up a larger space. From my childhood I experienced my parents' garden and it was a lot of work, on the other hand, once you get the hang of it, then again, it wasn't.

I think, the willingness to do and be motivated to try new things, for example, is when people near you have a great interest in them themselves and "drag" you with them. HaHa!

Sincere greetings to you!

¿Ya pasaron 3 meses desde que las plantaste? Siento como si hubiera leído eso hace 3 semanas jajaja, el tiempo pasa rapidísimo. Me interesaría ver un post de como haces el trasplante y si tenes algún consejo aplicable a otro tipo de plantas.

Gracias mi amigo.
Sí, el tiempo ha pasado muy rápido, pero solo estamos a mitad de camino de crecer. No crecerán mucho más, pero ahora comenzarán a formarse los cogollos.
Todavía estoy aprendiendo todos los días y tengo mucho más que aprender, especialmente con otras razas de plantas. A medida que aprendo, me gusta compartir descubrimientos y diferentes métodos para solucionar problemas.
Agradezco tu interés en cultivar cannabis y espero poder ayudarte a acelerar tu aprendizaje. Creo que debería ser legal en todo el mundo durante nuestra vida.

La verdad comencé a interesarme por tus publicaciones y fotos, yo no fumo ni tomo pero lograste atraparme con tus experiencias, errores y experimentos jajaja

I don't know what to say. I see joy everywhere filling up your house man. The clones, is like seeing the beginning of new life exploding population. Pretty soon covid will have his small little jungle to live in 🤣

Thank you bro,
The clones are coming along slowly but it's my first time doing this, so I have a lot to learn still and will probably get better at speeding up the process.

Oh yeah Covid loves it, but he's less willing to go in the big tent now because the light intensity is insanely high, but if I turn the lights down he comes in 😂

Oh my... #GreenThumb

Thanks bro :)

You're welcome

I put cherry tomato plants tied up on every post of my 4x8, I love it!

Posted using WeedCash Network

That's a great idea! I might do something similar :)
Thanks for stopping by!

I love how your utilize it the space for more then just cannabis! And yeah I would probably induce flowering on those superstars soon:)

Thank you for the kind words and support bro, I'm really happy you like how everything is coming along :)

I just utilize a corner for smaller plants with reduced power and it works out nice.

Yes I have to account for the stretch and these plants are likely to double in size during the flip, so exciting :D


Those Silver Macs looks so good :)

Posted using WeedCash Network

Thanks so much @smf37!
These are Big Mac Superstar :)

Haha looks like my brain choose to read Silver Mac :)

No worries I do the same thing all the time 😂
Yesterday I bought some pasta salad that I swore read potato salad 😂

Same sindrom indeed 🤦‍♂️

sivermack and big mack are very similar. taste super fruity and soft. they are sisters too

Except for the tomato they are all wonderful. I don't see Covid, he must be up to something.

Posted using WeedCash Network

Hahah yeah I think Covid was laying in the bathroom cabinet when I made this post 😂
Thank you for the kind words my friend.

I think it's time for flowering..

Yeah I'm going to wait another 24 hours then hook up the timer.

HHopefully you got 2 ladies

I am interested in seeing how those new clones wound end up. Good to hear that some of them started to produce some roots. :)


Thank you @thecuriousfool!
I think I will have 100% success rate with these clippings :)
I'm going to experiment around in the future with cloning and have some ideas to expedite the process.

My pleasure, and don't forget to share with us the results of your cloning experiments. I personally love experiments. :)

Looking good!

Thanks so much @nikv! :)

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