Hey bro,
Thanks for sharing this video, it was quite interesting for sure.
I think science can only describe so much of what is happening, because he mentioned the synthetic cannabinoids being similar, and with my experience with them in the past, the synthetics are much stronger with the effects and have more adverse effects. People I knew who were smoking it ended up losing their minds after years of use.
It's interesting that cannabinoids in natures form seem to have no bad side effects except for weight gain from munchies effect, but when man thinks he knows the science, he makes a synthetic form that turns people into what resembles drooling heroin zombies.
I'm pretty sure this guy never smoked synthetics before 😂
The science behind the cannabis intertwining with cannabinoid receptors in the brain is quite interesting nonetheless, and this guy in the video is pretty intelligent and knows more about the science than I do.
I hope you're doing alright, and can maybe get your hands on something green to induce somehow. You could always just eat it if you don't want to smoke it 🍪
I'm high that's why my response is so long.
Thanks buddy. It's death penalties here if individual caught possess of more than 7 ounces of greens 😁 even a humble 1.5 ounce will be 10 year jail time. Got caught by having those in the blood would already send me to rehab 🤣 so unless I got a permit from the doctors prescription, like if I'm a terminal cancer patient, yes I can humbly go to the hospital and request certain amount of don't know whether it's synthetics or natural happy puff.