I just have to post a few pictures of no dig weed and oil :)
I'm 99% sure that critical Bilbo,
And this oil is a blend of 7 types of strains
I like to experiment with weed and all I can do with it, that I get out of it. I going to post more pictures and maybe a little more story about what I'm doing.
Hey, nice to meet you. So FYI for cannabis content do not forget the tag cannabis. I monitor the tags cannabis and canna-curate. I do go on Weedcash everyday, but sometimes I will miss a post that leaves out those tags.
very beautiful wax and bud you have there. Keep posting cool content so we can up vote you!
I should try to post as much as possible and remember the correct tag. The problem is that I work too much, but I'll try :)
Damn that's a huge bud
Yeah thanks, not so many times we get that kind of bud.
i say keep on expermenting!
Thanks mate
Damn how much does that bud weigh?
Can't remember completely, but we had some that were up in 7 to 9 grams, but then we are lucky, but dosen
s matter, the small one
s is just the same taste an effect. And you know that i think :)