Hey @chubb149, lovely article kind sir!
I was wondering if you would briefly share your subjective experience on how you prepare Kratom, and subjectively what the experience of this entheogen is like?
I've heard Kratom described as being similar in experience to Absinthe -- where it puts you into a sort of dreamy state (but you're still wide awake). I'm interested in checking it out, I've seen it sold in the smoke shop nearby, and was thinking of trying it, but wanted to get a heads up before I did so I would know what I'm going to experience and the best way to prepare it.
Kratom red vein to me is like a strong coffee or a very mild opiate, Other types have other effects white vein Bali is more like caffeine. Red vein has more of a pain killer effect. Green vein I never seem to feel . orange vein a red white hybrid feels like a mild sedative or anti depressant. The one I swear by because I'm use to the effect is red maeng da, However I have chronic pain which this helps with those trying their first kratom many recommend green vein or white vein bali. Quality of the kratom matters just like cannabis some inferior brands can be ineffective or worse make you ill
This site is Aka certified and has usage guides for type and beginners https://krakenkratom.com/ I hope this helps
This does help! Thanks! I didn't even consider that perhaps there would be inferior qualities that were sold, but yes that makes sense. Also, I appreciate the link drop, I'll check out kraken.