Ask a stoner #3

in WeedCash Network2 years ago (edited)

Q: What do you call a family that grows marijuana in the backyard?
A: Joint family!

1 - @inrpmwetrust/creative-stoners 2 - @inrpmwetrust/qa-ing-weed-joke 3 - @inrpmwetrust/confucious-once-said 4 - @inrpmwetrust/ask-a-stoner-1 5 - @inrpmwetrust/ask-a-stoner-2


hahaha. !lolz

Posted using WeedCash Network

I used to run an origami company.
But it folded.

Credit: reddit



@inrpmwetrust, I sent you an on behalf of @captain.weed

I didn't sign up for the company 401k.
I don't think I can run that far.

Credit: reddit

Have you tried the !gif !lolz !meme combo? It is a wall of fun!@inrpmwetrust, I sent you an on behalf of @holovision.hypno