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RE: Interesting Mushrooms In My Back Yard

mycology experience, from an observational point of view
I was going to make a snide or knowing comment about this line, until I read the comment thread.
You must be vewy vewy cayowful when hunting wild 'shrooms.
In my limited experience looking for that BUZZ as a teen, the conventional wisdom RE: where psilocybin would grow was
A: on or near a dung hill, and
B: never in shade, I also heard about the bluish bruising too.

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Hahah, you gave me a good laugh 😄 Thank you for the support and reblog!

I'm a total newbie at this and not looking for a buzz, I'm looking to take about 4-8 grams of shrooms ingested once or twice a month because with my limited experience, that is the way to do it ;)

Micro dosing is a thing, and apparently very beneficial. I would need a regular supply for that. I just wanna trip hard, because it teaches me things ;D