Clean Your Bong Friday | #CleanSmoking

in WeedCash Network5 years ago (edited)


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Alright fellow stoners it's about that time again.

Now I know it can be a pain and it's a bit of a work-out sometimes, but you still' gotta' do it.

Clean smoking is important especially since respiratory illnesses seem to be all the rage.


I mean look at that. That's after 4 days of regular use by my wife and I, and we don't usually let it get this bad.

When your bong is dirty and you let it sit for too long the plant matter you suck in gets trapped in the water and decomposes. Dabbers dont have this problem but for us classic indulgers, this causes bacteria to really thrive in a dirty bong, and the last thing I can ever dream of doing is breathing in mold spores

A clean bong is less coughing, more filtration, no horrible taste, a more enjoyable seamless experience.

Here's what I'm armed with

I've used this before, it seems tailor made to target the tarrish resin that builds up.
It's a mixture of salts and solution, so it has both the abrasive and anti bacterial elements you want.


First Step:

-Dispose the bong water and waste

Gross gross gross gross gross 🤢

Ugh the smell.

Second Step:

-Soak The Glass
Bowl piece
Look at how clogged it is!! Ugh!!

Here's the glass stem piece. Gotta be careful because both of these are as important and crutial as each other lol


Anyways, just add the crystals and solution into a baggie, add the glass piece and let it Soak. Also it doesn't hurt to give it a bit of a shake to help the abrasions


After that, let em soak a bit. After a while you'll have two gross bags of sludge.


So gross.

Third Step:

-Clean The Bong

Now I didn't get much photos or videos of this part on account of needing both hands to shake the absolute crap out of the bong while it has a bunch of solution in it.

I got a photo of the hot water going in but that's about it.


Fourth Step

-Rinse Again If You Need

Looks like the first round didn't get the cone piece as clean as I would have liked.


One more time through the ringer and it looked almost brand new again



The stem came out decent the first time through.


Final Step

-Rinse and smoke a clean af bowl





Take care, stay safe, and remember to clean your bong.

Cleaner smoker makes for cleaner lungs, remember that and maybe spreading a bit of clean smoke awareness may encourage people to take some time and tend to their favorite pipes.

Look after them so they look after us.

Until next time!

~ Simon

I delegate to and recommend:






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Looking squeaky clean lol

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Cheers man, it's already mad dirty again. Gotta give it another cleaning lol

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It was about time, that's for sure!!

Thank you for spending so long on it, it looks almost brand new!!

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Nice bong!


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