What's up Weed Nerds! Hope your Weekend treated you well. I had a decent weekend. Had some family over, and had a few drinks. It was nice. None of us are vaxed, nor did any of us wear any masks. It felt really good. I respect anyone's decision to do the same, or to do the opposite. This is the way it should of been since last year, and what is crazy for me to think, is there are places that never did stop doing this! My heart goes out to places like Canada where their government is leaning on the tyrant side of life. TBH there was a short time where I was afraid, and was being overly cautious, but having a few of my close family members over for drinks, and food never did stop for me. And yes I believe in Covid! I just choose to not live my life in extreme fear, and sure as hell don't let the Government tell me what, and what I can not do. I suppose this stems from my cannabis use. Since I started in the way back day of the mid 1990's, it was very much illegal, and just how some places never shut down the economy due to Covid, there are still places where this is considered an illegal substance. My heart goes out to all of you too, no one should ever live in fear of going to jail for choosing what they ingest in their own body's. Another thing that is crazy to me, is there are platforms that will censor this kind of content. I am extremely grateful for having a place where I can express myself, and share what I love, with zero fear of being censored. This is why I will not stop trying to get people to abandon corporate social media, and embrace block chain!
Sorry for the rambling, let me get to the good stuff! Which is going the best since I have started back growing last year. Transition from the closet to the tent was a bit ruff for me, due to getting the environment in the Goldie Locks zone. After trial and error, and spending a few $$, things are on track.
I am starting to get a grip on my overcrowded issue. I have relieved the situation by taking most of the Autos outside, and then gifting a few of the photos to my brother in law. There will be a few more I have to give away, but still have yet to decide which ones to gift.
Last night I pulled out all of the plants, and did a little defoliation, and then sprayed from top to bottom with Green Cleaner. It is very important to have a IPM regiment, something I admit I overlook at times. I tried the lady bugs a couple weeks ago, and I wont do that no more. For one they only target Mites, which yeah that's good, but there are more bugs then mites. Second they created a mess. It was like a Ladybug massacre took place. I had to vacuum up dead body's left and right.
Whenever I take out all of the plants, I take the time to clean, and disinfect the tent. A clean grow is a happy grow.
A little update on the Silvermac. I have to say I am very impressed with the overall structure so far! Very excited to see what the flower looks like.
So far the Silvermac, and a couple of the Big Macks are in their final pots, and the others will be going into bigger pots throughout this week. Not sure which one will be my next #5gallonchallenge contender, but I will be shooting for the moon!
My other Monsterd Cropped BM is starting to show new signs of life. I just may just get rid of this one entirely, due to the space issue, and how far it is behind. None the less, it will be going to a great home. Next up, after the transplants I will be setting up the SGROG, and then in a few weeks hit this lady's with some fertilizer for the first time. All that I have given the plants is Cal/Mag, Mammoth P, and some Rhizo blast, and then on the transplants some Mykos. Ill be giving a few of my outdoor plants some of my Compost, and see how they respond before I start to use it indoors. However for the indoor, all I will do is make some tea, rather then bring in Compost that for sure has bugs. Well that's it for now, still tuned for the next update, things are about to get dense!

Looking good Brother. Those 1 gallons an 3's. Nice an dark green. Ladybug larvae are the ticket for great hunters, as well as the mantis. Although your case may work better with some lace wing's, large or adult work well, they don't die as fast as the ladybug. That happens cause they are wild caught an then sold an shipped, starved an thirsty.
Yeah I bet. I may try lacewigs soon. However spraying is still something I’ll do in veg just to keep pathogens at bay. I usually use Dr enzymes
Oh yeah the spray is anevry other day, Dr. Bronners soap though nothing real heavy round here. Bugs an health take care real well when things balance.
Trap plants. Big help as well.
that's some nice root growth!
The plants look good man. I am also glad that we have Hive as a censorship free place we can share our cannabis journey. There is so much negative stigma about cannabis use and it is so dumb. People are totally fine with others getting shit faced from alcohol and going to work the next day but would freak out if they knew someone was using cannabis before bed to help them sleep.
Yeah it’s a shame. People freak out if a cannabis shop will open in their town, mean while you can get any type of booze at almost any store!
Bro!!! your plants grow quite well, mine are taking a long time to grow in size
Dam nice job on the clean up. That's one thing I am lacking on lately actually who am I kidding 😂 I hate cleaning 😂😂🤣.
Them roots are fantastic,
You're such a rebel! Good stuff :D
The plants all look good. You're providing an optimal environment.
wow.. impressive.
ill definetly look more about root boosters lol
your plants look amazing.
i think i wouldnt be able to grow so many at the same time. to hard to schedule everything.
keep on !
Sea of green. Looking really good my friend.
Lacewings are a bit more aggressive than lady bugs..
That’s what I’ve been hearing. What you think about setting them lose in a tent?
They will eat what's theres.. I'm gonna let some loose in these greenhouse
I am so curious about that silvermac. those leaves look great