What's up Weed Nerds! Hope all is well. I know it's Monday, maybe to early to call, but I fell like its going to be a great week. Ill be heading to Yosemite for the weekend with the kids, and the wife. A much needed break. I work six days a week, plus I have 3yo, and 6yo boys that take up the rest of the time. Then on the side, my little hobby also takes a lot of my time, and dedication. Sure I only grow in a 4x4, and then on my balcony. But lately I have gone overboard with the plants, and then on top of my breeding project, my hands are full! Sure I love it, but it has taking a toll out on me, and I am very much due for a break, especially since it has been over a year since I have had one, and even the last one wasn't so much of a break, but rather a forced house arrest. Yeah thanks Gavin Newsom, for a bunch of nothing! lol

Now that I am finally harvesting my tent, I have room to breath. Especially after the hell of a battle I had. Mainly it was the low humidity that kicked my ass. When I hit below 40%, I was actually happy. I was thinking, well no more fucking mold! Well I was right, but did not know that low humidity is probably worse then high humidity if left unchecked. It got so bad that I had to get rid of a few teens I had from seed. I did however take some clones, and the Big Mack F1's you see today, are all clones from the teens I had to get rid of, due to being so damaged. I should be on my second harvest already, but sometimes you can not proceed, until you learn a lesson. I learned a huge one!

The Silver Haze #5gallongrowchallege contender was also cut. Out of the bunch, the Silver Haze just did not like what I was doing. Which was another valuable lesson I learned. I need to focus more on the individual plant wants and needs. It was either I gave it to much PK booster, or it could of been more of a lack of Calcium. Next round I will know what this Silver Haze likes, and what it does not like.

It will give me a nice harvest, and the colas are quite thick. Excited to get my name up on that leader board! @skylinebuds, muuhaaa! LOL kidding. Cant wait to see @zergas, and @knottydaddy's contenders come up, then we have Mr. #morningbowl who is also throwing his hat into the challenge. If you all are just hearing of this, and want to enter. Just grow a cannabis plant in a 5 gallon container, and then post about it here on Weedcash.
My next round of seeds are coming in nice! I cant believe I have had a 100% germ rate with the last 20 seeds I have cracked. Granted a few did not make it, but none the less. You all remember my Exotic Genetix?

My Helena x Pbb also cracked some tap roots! Super stoked on these seeds as well. Which btw you can get this same exact pack on 4/20, and then get another pack for free! Check out the annoucment here.
So yeah I will have my hands full soon. This time I wont make the same mistake, but I am sure another curve ball will be thrown my way. I am nowhere near the top of my game, but I am having all the fun it the world:)

Congrats on the new crop!
Gracious sir!
Those are looking so good. I can't wait until my Big Mack gets bigger. A bunch of them are sprouting up. I have them in little pots on a heating mat to help stimulate the root growth.
Keep killing it homie.
Shit man I am starting to learn from you now! I cant wait to see what the Big Mack does for you
Very impressive brother. I think I remember you from back on Steemit. I just found my keys to start exploring Hive. I believe I was the first person blogging about cannabis on steemit, so coming here to Hive and seeing the communities have been developed, and the cannabis crowd is thriving is great. I've worked in commercial cannabis for 7 years, and have blogged quite a bit about it. I'll be posting and interacting here often. I'll be looking out for your posts! Your nugs do look fantastic, especially for being on your porch! Keep up the good work!
Thanks man! And stoked to see an Og come back! So much has changed. Great content now gets noticed by the whales on a reg basis, but most of all we have some bad ass people here, some new, some old. You should check out the5 gallon challenge. Something for fun we are doing here. Thanks for stopping by bro!
Excellent work my brother, the beans have arrived safe and sound. As soon as I figure some logistics they will be joining the fam. Enjoy your time with your family.
Right on bro! Also keep in mind some of the breeders in bif need testers for some autos. If your interested, hit up @dankyoda.
Beautiful buds! 🤩 I hope I'll soon be able to get back to work too 🌱
Yeah the top bud is by far the best I ever grew! It is such a funky ass strain!
Im feeling pretty positive for this week as well. Monday has gone passed and it's already looking like a great start. Hope all is well!
Right on brother!
Nice job, Glad to see I am not the only one on the board, was gonna hate if I was 1 and 2 🤣.
Love the idea well kida with the plastic wrap for clone dome, Very wasteful but smart.
Yeah totally, but sometimes farming ain’t easy lol but seriously you should see the strawberry fields here, plastic goes on for miles!!
That's crazy, I only like to buy Canadians berries but Won't buy anything out side the USA or Canada cause they get blasted with radiation.
wonderful work, I just have some small seeds germinating and reading them is quite useful haha there are several tips that it is best to keep in mind whenever you start something. better to be safe.🤣
During the day I have them under a light that keeps them warm, then at dark I put them on top of a heat mat. I do this until I see a seedling. Then I keep them under 24 hours of light:)
Of course the weather here is super warm so I'm afraid I'm going to have to explore and see what I can find, eventually I'll open things that the climate here will teach me. I send you good vibes for those plants.
Yeah if its warm you probably don't need the heat mat. Where do you live?
Caracas - Venezuela.✌️
Wow a 100% germination rate is crazy. The trichs on that Big Mack 3 looking good!
Yeah the bm#3 is above and beyond! Thanks for stopping by:)
Interesting how nile from seed and see it after bare branches ;))