What's up Weedcash! Sorry for the absence, been a crazy time. Just because I got the privileged to throw fat up votes on Steem for the month of May, does not mean I forgot about this side of the cannabis community. I am extremely humbled on the opportunity, and it is only fair I give you all Weedcash exclusives as well. For those just tuning in, I am growing Santa's Kandy. It is a F1 hybrid of a cross I made a while back using a Steem Og dad, and a Kandy Kush mom.

It all began 3 months ago.

A dream to begin to start growing my own medicine again. But this time, I vowed to do things the right way. You see, I was growing inside of a closet. My airflow was stale at best. The space to veg was minimal. Looking back I really don't know how I did it! The two pics above is how I was growing. Blurple Led lighting, and inside of a broom closet. But it all changed when I cam out of that closet.......

Those two plants under that blue light have all grown up, as you can see. Out of the closet, and loving life! The one on the left, mistaken for a male and thrown outside, the one on the right, inside of my new grow setup. A 32'x32'x54 tent. Complete with exhaust, intake fan, dehumidifier, and the Mars T1000.

The outdoor Santa's Kandy is a tall pheno. The nodes are spaced far apart from each other. I am so glad I made the mistake of thinking it was a male. This type of phenotypical impression is not well suited for a tent grow IMO. This plant would be almost as tall as the tent, and the light would not penetrate the bottom very well. Even it being under the best light there is(The Sun), I still had to lollipop the bottom growth since it would not amount to much.

The aroma of this plant is through the roof! First thing that comes to mind is artificial lemons, with a backdrop of sweet glue. Both parents are shining on this one. I put this outside around the middle of May, which is why it is almost done flowering. It is not an Auto flower. Even though I wish it where, because it has reverted back into vegetative stage. When the day's started to get longer, I started to bring this plant inside at 6pm, then put back outside once it got dark. Well it turns out that it still was not getting enough dark time. You see in order for a photo period plant to flower, it needs 12 hours of uninterrupted darkness. Good thing I caught this early on. So now my strategy is to take it in when it is dark, and put outside in the morning, right before I go to work. This will be 9pm, which will give it enough dark time to go back into flower. This will be a huge learning experience for me. Will there be damage because of this? I will soon find out.

Here is the champion out of the two seeds that cracked. This is a short pheno. It really responded well to Super Cropping, and to a SGROG. It is now 37 days into flower, and I suspect about 30+ more day's to go. I am using the Living Soil method of growing. I am using no bottled nutes. I am only using plain reverse osmosis water, because the chlorine and chlorinate in tap water will kill my beneficial microbes and bacteria. The only extra things I have done was add Top Dress with my living soil mix, and have made Tea using banana peels, and rabbit poop.

I am keeping the humidity below 50%, and temps are in the 70-80 degree range. Thankfully where I live the weather is very mild, never to hot, and never to cold. But all I am worried about is the humidity. As a closet grower, with little airflow, and no dehumidifier, Powered Mildew was something I battled everyday. This is why I look back and wonder how the hell I grew that way. But really why did I grow that way?? Well it is in my past, and I learned a lot from it. So it all was not in vain.

This plant is almost smelling exactly as the one outdoors, but so far I am not smelling the sweet glue in the background. I see, and smell it's mother. The bud structure reminds me of the Kandy Kush. I am very happy with my progress. If I am not improving after each cycle, then I am not doing it right. I think I am on the right path. But I have to work hard, and continue to learn. For me, I learn best by making mistakes, and trust me, I make lot's of mistakes! That is all for this update, I am running out of time here, and got to head home to make some dinner. Until next time, stay positive everyone! Hope to see you soon.

They look great - you da man
Thanks man! Thought I would lead by example and show people what can be done when you give a platform original content. I know some do well on both, but when you actually take the time and put some effort, maybe good things will come.
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Thank you!
Like I said: The tent really made a huge improvement.
Like night and day!