Totally smoked. I sit here pondering my sins. where I stand where I could have been. And although I miss countless opportunities. I also made enough new ones. Life doesn't always go the way you want it to. And sometimes you have the sun in your face and the wind in your sail. After rain comes sunshine. damn what the hell is this bullshit. Why why are bananas crooked.way is water wet and the sky blue. that my friend is because of you😋
This is the poison I cloud my soul with. LOL
silverhaze mixed with amnesia and some leftovers from the week
Later when I'm an adult. what I already am. I wanted to be anything. And when you're young you can really be anything. When you have the right people who stand behind you and believe in you. And when you're young, you usually have that around you too. But after the years wear off. people drop out. And in my case that was my dad. He's been dead for about 2.5 years now. And the world isn't what it used to be 3 years ago.
I do not know. I'd like to talk to my dad. I know that won't work. But I often think of him. And what he gave me. Luckily I still have my mother. And that is a treasure of a person. But I can't talk to her like my dad could. That was a very wise man. But also damn stubborn and I probably got that from him. I'll get there eventually. And really make something of my life. My last thought was I'm going to develop weapons. that's booming busnis at the moment. But that's not who I want to be. I want to grow fields of cannabis with the best genetics and the best breeders. And partly we are already that far. here on weedcash with our canna family So a big thanks to you all.
All the best
It's true, people drop out of your life. Either you drift apart, or there is a break up of some kind, or they die. When I was young I hadn't seen any of that yet, but now at 47 I have seen way too much. My sweet grandma was almost 92 when she died. She was mostly happy and positive all l the time, but I remember her saying that nobody understands her anymore, that all her friends are gone, all her brothers and sisters and parents and other family are gone. She was proud of me and her other grandchildren, but concerned about the state of the world she was leaving. I'm glad I helped her last years be more comfortable and happy. She was a really great person, maybe a little bit like your dad. When those people drop out of our lives, it is always far too soon, even if they lived a full life. We always want another year with those people, and we realize when they're gone how awesome they made the world. And then they make you want to be like them, and make the world awesome with your remaining time.
Great back and forth conversation here. I'm 42 and seen a lot of this myself. There is a part of me that keeps screaming to get a dog. Man's best friend. Then there is the other part of me that cry like a little kid when the dog goes to doggie heaven in about 10 years. So either way I'm still forced to deal with loss. So then I thought to myself to get another puppy when the first dog turns 3 years old. But I still haven't taken my own advice yet. Thank god for weed man because weed will force you to be happy even when you're not.
"Better to have loved and lost" comes to mind. Fearing loss is natural, but I think we have to overcome that and embrace love.
Loss really does leave a scar, it's true, but we CAN love again, even with a broken heart. We have to try to not let fear of loss paralyze us from one of the most magical parts of life, love. When my son (Brett, 2.5) was conceived my wife and I had been together 10 years and she wasn't supposedly able to have children. Doctors didn't know how it happened, or if it would be successful (my wife @MediKatie has a complicated medical history). It's hard to admit now, but at the time, we did consider abortion because he wasn't supposed to be healthy and was likely to endanger Katie's life. The decision was agonizing, made more so by the fact that our families had recently abandoned us (over our activism and cannabis use). We had nobody to talk to about it and had to decide in secret, alone. There were so many factors to consider and we did a lot of research and soul searching. Finally, one day I was overly emotional about it, and suddenly decided what to do. It came down to, do you believe in life, or not? Maybe that sounds silly now, and I'm not usually someone who acts on feelings, but that really spoke to me. Yes, I believe in life. We either grow or we die. It was time to grow (again), and grow I have! Brett is healthy and happy, and he now has a little sister. Katie and I are pretty swamped with it, but we don't regret that decision at all. Even with the risk that anything could happen. We are just enjoying the love and being aware that loss is a constant in life.
Wow, what a story! speechlessly inspired....
Nice! So what kind of dogs do you like? I'm usually partial to the bigger breeds, anything friendly and protective.
I grew up with Labrador retrievers so they were my favorite dogs and then when I hit my 30's I fell in love with dachshunds. ( the winnie dogs ) I've really been thinking about the discussion we are having for the last 24 hours. It's a great discussion and I really took the time to dive deeper into my reasoning for being a lone wolf in this world. I thought back to why I didn't get a dog and then I remembered! The real reason I didn't get a dog was because I WAS ALWAYS RIDING DIRTY WITH AN OUNCE OF WEED and if I got pulled over by the cops I was paranoid the cops would kill my dog if they arrested me!!! When I started to use cannabis back in 2013, that's when I lost all hope in getting a dog because I had to become a pirate in life. Now, I don't even have an ounce of weed on me anymore because covid kind of trapped me in the wrong place in life. I walk the beach everyday on this island and it is an all out dog free for all on the beach. Constant dog fights on the beach here and I don't plan on staying here because the drug war is so bad. I'm still trying to figure out a way to get autoflower seeds shipped to me just in case I'm stuck here even longer than I plan but dang bro, life's got me by the balls at the moment in everything. I dog sure would make it a little better though.
I like hotdogs 😋
No, I'm more of a cat person. But I do like dogs
Sounds like you're in a rough spot there. I can see why you're hesitant about having a dog right now. A dog might make it harder to leave somewhere if an opportunity came up. Maybe it's not quite the right time? Then again, if the right canine friend came along, who knows.
I like to think there's an afterlife. I don't know if it is. But I can imagine. And I like those thoughts that we will meet again someday. And for now make the best here
I used to be sure there was nothing, now all I know is that I don't know. It's definitely possible.
I dont know lol
Thanks for sharing!
your welcome
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