hive meetup in breda and grow update

in WeedCash Network2 years ago

There was also plenty to do in Breda with a kind of parade from the Middle Ages.
Beautiful buildings and facades
the church with the flag of breda
the weather was also nice
After lunch we walked through the city. And then everyone went their separate ways.
20230529_112206.jpgYesterday I was at the Dutch hive meetup. And that was super fun. That was in Breda. @minigunner @edb @minicooper and his son @artakush and @stresskiller were there too. we enjoyed sitting on a terrace. Got a nice hive cap and tshirts from the men of cbrs. And after such a day I always come back super satisfied. The next meetup will be possible in my city Middelburg. but more on that later. I took some pictures of breda

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Then I want to show you my plants. These are the ?-ble grape And despite being a bit small, they are starting to grow nicely compact
she also produces nice thc




This is a leaf that does not go so well. It is a leaf that is at the bottom of the plant. But it looks like the leaf is being eaten. The rest of the leaves look better
The other is a bit thinner. And then we also look at the pure michigan

It will also be cut this week. Because it looks mature
So I still have plenty to do. I want to thank everyone who was also in Breda. And if there is a hive meetup in your area, I recommend going there. they are always pleasant the times I've been. Have a nice week everyone and until the next post.


Posted using WeedCash Network


Man I wish I could attend small meetups like this. It would be so fun to get to know more of the cannabis community in person.

yes it is always super fun to do

My plants in the garden get eaten all the time , but hey i don't consume them .

kan het zijn dat het blad vochtig is geweest onder de hete lampen ?

"My plants in the garden get eaten all the time ,"

When i was growing outdoor snails were the biggest enemie. They are relentless.

kan het zijn dat het blad vochtig is geweest onder de hete lampen "

In de natuur regent het dagelijks en ik zie niet overal planten die door beestjes worden opgegeten. Dus het lijkt mij niet.

als somige planten worden bevochtigt in de brandende zon, kunnen de bladeren verbranden of in zijn geval lampen vandaar .

Menig denkt inderdaad dat bladeren kunnen verbranden. Mij is in ieder geval nooit opgevallen dat na een regenbui en zonneschijn bladeren waren verbrandt.

Misschien een beetje cherry picking maar ik vond dit:

"Theorie van lenzenwerking

Waterdruppels breken het zonlicht en werken als een vergrootglas. Een Duits-Hongaars team van wetenschappers ging na of dit vergrootglaseffect groot genoeg is om de verbranding van planten te veroorzaken. Via een computermodel konden ze een experiment opzetten waarbij het gecombineerde effect van de intensiteit van het zonlicht, de druppelvorm en de zonnestand getest werd. De onderzoekers konden concluderen dat het onwaarschijnlijk is dat waterdruppels op gladde, haarloze plantbladeren het onderliggende bladweefsel beschadigen"


ik weet alleen wat me ooit op de tuinbouwschool is geleerd zo'n veertig jaar geleden :)

regenwater is ook niet het zelfde als kraanwater. pH is anders en in kraanwater zit ook kalk mischien zie je dat. het zou ook die cannacure kunnen zijn geweest dat had ik ook op die bladeren 1 x gespoten. plakkerig spul.

They really are! I could not believe how much they can eat. If they get ahold of a seedling, its a goner!

Like how.. They got the entire garden en green leaves everywhere but some inner snail gps system leads them up to a table with a few tiny little seedling leaves. And even though they move slowly as.. like a thief in the night..Gone

For real! And you know I never knew this until a couple years ago. I found some damage on my leaves, and there was a weird slime substance left behind. I swore it was a caterpillar, but then it occurred to me what it actually was after the next coupe mornings. I never looked at snails the same again.

ja zou goed kunnen. Ik maak me er ook niet heel druk over. 😋

What a good city to have a meetup!

also dutch hivers are real nice people

The buildings are so gigantic
They are beautiful too...

yeah there nice We have lots of old and big buldings in the netherlands

Looks like so much fun! Plant looks great in the window :)

it was just for the photo lol