Crazy thimes we live in. To give us some hope I had to share this song the text is so good I one no rights so just play and go on
lock down got me cleanig and this is wat you find hehe normaley you lose tose basterds
Peace be safe live for ever every day.
Ever heard of this chick.. pure sex as far as music goes.
If you ever had a bad day.. find the headphones.. quiet corner to stare out the window and let the melt begin!
I admit it sound good . but im not a big fan. I gues its taste I have a dutch song I wanted to share whit all you smokers even do you dont speak dutch its simpel its about when it rains you can smoke under a roof ginius
🤣 different.. thank you for the introduction mind.
Loonatic® 🌍🌎🌏 ✌