I feel like sharing something
I've come a long way. I have been in clienics and I was busy experimenting with drugs. As a result, I have entered a system that I am trying to get out of. I am under administration. And that was a condition for being allowed to go home 10 years ago. At the time, I had a debt to the government and I could not easily see one way out. So I agreed. After 3 years I got rid of my debts. During that time I did a lot of volunteer work. But after 6 years I was tired of that and wanted a paid job again. I had found it and worked there for 3 years. But at that time my father died. All very tragic, but that's how life goes. But I could no longer concentrate on my work. And with all those crazy lockdowns I had something like I started a web shop. they the government want you to work from home. So I fixed everything webshop made products. But was reluctant to promote my site because the tax was not settled yet. And stuck with my administrator. So I wrote a letter to the court that I wanted to manage my finances myself again. After all, I have been off hard drugs for 5 years now and I no longer have any psychic care. And despite the loss of my father, I still stand firm. But the answer was. no you have no income so we reject it. And that stings. because I am sure that I can generate an income with my website and weedcash I see a golden future with the development of international genetics. I have 14 days to object, which I will certainly do tomorrow.
Because of these kinds of actions by the judiciary. Authoritarian and I have not even been heard, I feel the evil growing inside me. I try to earn money fairly legally. But I am being kept under control by a system that earns a lot from me. I pay 100 euros a month for 10 years from someone who didn't already have that much. Scandalous. But our government with mr rutte or else say teflonboy where everything slips off and he gets away with everything. I no longer have faith in our law. They slowly take everything rights away from you with the excuse the care can no longer take. They have cut back on healthcare for 10 years and closed hospitals. and now land locked evening clock. Would take 3 weeks and be the first to go off. but now probably not until the end of March and I have yet to see that.

But what can you do. Now let me start to have as much power in crypro as possible. and keep my freedom there. Show the judge that I do earn money with social media. what i am co-shareholder. With an international network.
I fight without violence And I also go with this to a lawyer who is also against injustice of the state.

And if that doesn't work, I'm going to move to us and buy a piece of land next to Dave. then i can take shooting lessons against a corrupt government lol
Peace to you ✌🌎🌍🌏
Be safe be kind and dont trust the goverment 😋
Posted via weedcash.network
Looking stylish Loona 👍
C'mon in Mr. Government.. I've been waiting..
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Hey @davedickeyyall, here is a little bit of from @tonytrillions for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.Wow dude that is crazy, sucks you have to put up with bullshit like this from government.
Hope you get it all worked out
appears now that I have not been rejected yet. But that I have 14 days to indicate that I want to continue with self-management. Yes, I sometimes do not fully understand legal language. it could all be much simpler.
There is still hope
It is weird your government can take over your finances. Hope the best for you
appears now that I have not been rejected yet. But that I have 14 days to indicate that I want to continue with self-management. Yes, I sometimes do not fully understand legal language. it could all be much simpler.
There is still hope
Government loves to write difficult mumbo-jumbo. They have 10 people on it writing it.
so treu I payed 85 euro griffiers cost and theye wounder if i still want to continu
so crazy 🤣
The system is rotten and kicks people who don't fit in. If you are not compliant you are gonna have a struggle in this system. But you can have a shop that runs totally on crypto. That would be off the grid, right?
Fuck man that sucks. Hopfully it all works out for you. I am not sure how they do things over there, but it does seem they have more control over their citizens, but honestly i am clueless.
yeah it will all turn out fine but just a nother sadback
A lot of people didn't pay attention in school but in grade 3 in Canada we learnt about the Melting pot, and the different outcomes that kind of culture can have. Some of them are terrifying and negative with complete Marshall Law being used to control the divided culture from an authoritarian stand point.
The war on drugs very much divided many policy makers across the globe contributing to the destruction of the commonwealth.