Agonists of the cannabinoid type 2 receptor (CBR2), like ∆9THC, the novel ∆9-THCP, and the synthetic HU910, HU308 and JWH133, bind to the CBR2 to treat COVID-19 through immunopsuppression and reduction of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Cannabidiol (CBD) also exerts anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive effects independently of the CBR2, by increasing anandamide levels.

Proper stimulation of their CB2 receptor, could be proposed to improve COVID-19 patients’ conditions with a double function: to repair tissue damages on stem cells and to drive immune response in a protective direction immunomodulating cells.
Rossi, F., Tortora, C., Argenziano, M., Di Paola, A., & Punzo, F. (2020). Cannabinoid Receptor Type 2: A Possible Target in SARS-CoV-2 (CoV-19) Infection?. International journal of molecular sciences, 21(11), E3809. Full study available for download.
Contrary to the vaping crisis pushed hard in the mainstream media, cannabis in your lungs is a good thing during this pandemic! Just like a suppository in the bum treats colon cancer (or cervical cancer in the vag)...talk about right at the source, haha. Wonder if the media-manufactured vaping crisis was planned before the virus.
Upvoted, and resteemed.Incredible news @MediKatie!! Thank you :))
Doing my best to use this medicine every day! 😀
great post.