A-TRAIN 50/50 balanced hybrid cannabis with THC, CBD, and CBN Cannabinoid Therapeutic Effects

in WeedCash Network5 years ago (edited)


I sampled some A-Train cannabis buds last night. Cushioned and balanced euphoric energy flow, a burst of euphoria from each toke - smooth day or early evening buzz. Bright and sweet carrot juice citrus skunky light pine spice zest flavor - vaporous sweet skunky terpenes.


The A-Train 50/50 balanced cannabis hybrid strain was created with the crossing of the Arcata e-32 Trainwreck, and the Mazar I Sharif strains. These A-Train buds have a sweet carrot juice skunky citrus scent, with a decent 22% THC, and a smooth 1% CBD / 1% CBN (Source).


THC, CBD, and CBN Cannabinoids

Our bodies are born with a cannabinoid system that is geared towards the body's well being, and the pleasure and pain receptors - our bodies naturally produce cannabinoids. THC and CBD both attach to cannabinoid receptors and have therapeutic effects - THC also has a 'high' or euphoric effect, CBD does not have the 'high' effect and actually counteracts the 'high' effect by preventing the THC from attaching to receptors. The CBN cannabinoid is only found in cannabis, and is non-intoxicating. The CBN is created as THC ages - the A-Train strain the lab tested seems to have been from an older bag.

CannabinoidTherapeutic Uses
THCMuscle spasticity, glaucoma, insomnia, low appetite, nausea, anxiety
CBDSeizures, inflammation, pain, psychosis or mental disorders, inflammatory bowel disease, nausea, migraines, depression, and anxiety
CBNAntibacterial, Neuroprotectant, Appetite Stimulation, Glaucoma, Anti-Inflammatory

THC/CBD Source, CBN Source


A-Train Effects (Source)

Effects - Aroused, Euphoria, Happy. May Relieve - Chronic Pain, Depression, Inflammation, Migraines.

Octopus Bowl Tokes

I reached for the Octopus pipe for the A-Train bud tokes.


A-Train grindage


Bowl Packed


Bowl Blazed


A-Train flavor

Sweet carrot juice citrus skunky light pine spice zest flavor - vaporous bright terpenes have an almost vinegar-like skunky vapor to them.


A-Train effects

Mind and eye lids relaxed, euphoria gently flowing up from the solar plexus, chest cushioned and buzzing lightly, bubbly perma-grin.



Burst of euphoria with each toke, then balanced energy flow with good motivation and mind focus - smooth cushion, cheerful perma-grin.



Cushioned and balanced euphoric energy flow from the A-Train bud tokes, a burst of hype from each toke - smooth day or early evening buzz. Bright and sweet carrot juice skunky citrus light pine spice zest flavor - vaporous terpenes. I'd smoke these buds in the morning, afternoon, or early evening.

Have a great day!

Disclaimer: Cannabis is not legal in all locations, be sure to know your local laws. Seek a professional if you require medical attention.

Nice looking flower, never had a-train before sounds like a sure try tho.

Vaporous skunky, nice euphoric rush .. well balanced, a kinder and gentler trainwreck :)