1 WeedCash = 1 Gram of Cannabis Challenge

in WeedCash Network4 years ago (edited)


I challenge you to find a gram of Cannabis for the cost of 1 WeedCash

If you succeed your prize is one of the following, you may choose.

Option A

I send you 420 WeedCash (a.k.a. WEED)

Option B

I send your source 10,000 WeedCash and we have the first Cannabis Socialite event on the blockchain with a 10,000 Gram Party~ We could be forgiving on his special stock if he is a grower, we just want organic bulk dry herb that has at least 15% THC, I wont be picky when Hive is 20 cents per coin.

Option C

A delegation of the token of your choice, worth approximately 1500 Weed Power or 150 Hive Power.

Since anyone could lie and sell themselves a gram of Cannabis I will need to verify the transaction, if you're educated feel free to provide proof that doesn't leave a reasonable doubt or ask for verification methods, I don't want your ID or personal info, just to prove you actually sourced Cannabis at a cost of 1 Weed.


Living in a place with an irresponsible central reserve, we must look outwards for better solutions to monetary issues, the CRA has failed the Canadian Dollar. Canadians need Cannabis and the dollar is useless to acquire it, inflated and marked up premiums for commercial interest groups.

We Can Erase These Failures from the History Books by Writing a Better Story

After all that's all these fools tell... Many times before written history has been lies, and its not like even the truth can be undone, any truth these willful idiots have to offer would easily be over written by someone with more than 5 synapses responding in their brain at 1 time.


By participating in this contest you inherently acknowledge the flaws of central reserve banking systems by opt-in to cryptocurrency (cybercoins) and the use of Hive & WeedCash as well as various other autonomous decentralized financial organizations with no officers or executive titles. There is no 3rd party liability here and no insurance, because we the people are in control of our own affairs.

Thanks for Being Crypto!

Satoshi is Dead. Just like Punk.

You Understand if you Care about Privacy as a Human Right, weedcash for cannabis takes out the government middleman.

Now go find that gram of cannabis for 1 WeedCash (a.k.a. WEED) so we can start writing history, with our words.

*If you are new to Hive or WeedCash Network, please visit the introductory post to the WeedCash Network Community introductory post and Cannabis Community if you're interested in adding to your curation rewards with various Hive Engine tokens like WeedCash.

Posted via weedcash.network


can I buy the gram of weed for my fellow weedcash networker?
is it eligible for the participation?

Posted via weedcash.network

In the end game, perhaps we may achieve this.

I sell ya but its onley pickup in holland 😆
I agree weed shut not be expensive not more than coffe of tea
hopefully someday we can send legaley weed to networkers

Posted via weedcash.network

Basically the goal of this challenge to inspire people to think outside the box of cannabis economics.

Im sure I can talk a friend into trading me a gram for a WC but it would not be in anyway actually only worth 1 WC. I do not even think I could buy a gram of trim for that cheap in an actual market.

We need to get a higher evaluation for WeedCash, I agree on that part. THats part of the challenge to show the community the power of this decentralized asset that is entirely in our control

So 1 g for one weedcash? Or 1000?

420 weed cash is worth about $12 USD right?

1 Weed / 1 gram (any quality with 15% ballpark THC minimum, must be female)

Don't forget to use a VPN when browsing online.

Hey mate, why did you downvote my posts?

improper use of the #weedcash tag. There was no mention of cannabis or related topics in your article.

Oh shoot sorry I accidentally selected the wrong tag. Could you remove the downvote since I have removed the tag. That was my bad.

No, do not continue to use the weedcash or cannabis tags unless its appropriate content.

This downvote will be to remind you that we encourage proper hashtag use to prevent spam, I do not like spam, your post was spam, it was downvoted and so will future content not properly hashtagged.

Using this feature to punish people for what you have down is precisely why I like this social network. I don't want to see your content and I can invest my interest in making sure you get that message.

Again, I am so sorry, this was a one-time accident on my part. If you could also ask the other weed downvoters to remove their downvote, that would be nice.

This isn't personal, you have seen it as so, thats unfortunate, please don't use improper hashtags.

I am sorry you carelessly used Hive too.