Happy 420

"Save craft cannabis from becoming endangered like the Panda"

The moto for this years 420 event in vancouver. The community was divided but i went to the protest hosted by the flcraft growers, grey market, and Merkules who was hosting entertainment.

The mainstream cannabis narrative in canada is a joke much like the quality of cannabis the majority of disoensaries here, something needs to change or we will just be buying our cannabis untaxed in the black market for years to come.

Merkules had a 61 LB joint that I didnt even see due to how many people attended even while it was raining.

Hope you had a baked as hell day, and i will be back in vancouver next 420 most likely.



Happy 420 fire it up

The word queue is ironic.
It's just q with a bunch of silent letters waiting in line.

Credit: reddit
@phusionphil, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @vcclothing

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Craft Cannabis for the win, much better quality than the dispensaries. Merkules, I've been enjoying his raps for a few years, sounds like a fun time other than the rain, happy 4/20 :)

Lol the party that legalized the garbage weed is falling apart.


@loonatic passed you the virtual joint!
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Thanks @loonatic ✌️

looks like fun

![](Uploading... 20230420_233000.jpg)

@loonatic I was so high i have no clue what image this was lol

:DD cute hoomans :D

Other people want to drop bombs, I just want to get baked in a nice park. Speaking of which Thronton park was actually not bad for modern day vancouver, which is a real sad story.