What's up Weednerds! So last night I was doing some inspection in the tent, and was thinking on how cool it is that each plant looks so different. Even within the same strains. This is something that adds excitement to this herb, and is why it is important on what strain you have. The I don't get where these names come from, and they don't matter crowd do not understand this. Sure some names can sound dumb, but knowing the linage is important.
Well that is all for today. Next up is deciding which plants go, and which ones stay. Unless I just say fuck it, and keep them all. If I did that it would be a repeat from last grow. I know I said I did not want to do that, but if I cleaned up more on the bottom by going up high on the Lollipop, perhaps I can make it work. But then again I may have 2 more males in the bunch. Really just thinking out loud here. So stay tuned......

Wow those Big Mack's are so amazing. I am planning to start some soon, so excited about it!
Keep up the great work my friend.